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1 Timothy 2:1-2 We need to pray for all people, including those in power. We want to elect godly, unselfish people to positions.

(Guest preacher)
Psalm 8
Put Some Respect on His Name

When you have an intimate relationship with someone, you don't call them by their formal title. God wants to have an intimate relationship with us. But we are used to him and worship other things.

Fan of God vs Follower of God
Fans of celebrities don't have as deep of a relationship as they think. Many people have a similar relationship with God. Fans are fickle, but followers are loyal. God wants followers. God wants people who will stick on the team and help in tough times.

Gold Digger vs God Chaser
Some people look for God's hand instead of looking for God. God wants us to have an intimate relationship with us. God is awesome, but the word awesome is overused for other things.

Some people will pretend that other religions worship the same God. People settle for other people's bootleg version of God. They settle for divination and other witchcraft.

Elohim "God, mighty creator" Genesis 1:1
El Roi "God who sees you"
Jehovah Tsuri "The Lord is my rock"
Jehovah Jireh "The Lord is my provider"
El Shaddai "The almighty God"
Jehovah Rophe "My God the healer" John 9:1-6
Jehovah Nissi "God is my banner"
Jehovah Shalom "My God is peace" Judges 6:24
Jehovah Negad "The God who predicts" Isaiah 42:8-9
Jehovah Sabaoth "The Lord of hosts"
El Elyon "The Lord most high" Daniel 4:34

——11/13 +——
John 15:15
Relationships sermon series

Before other relationships, you must first have a relationship with the Lord. Many people don't have a true relationship with God, they simply talk to him.

1. God desires a relationship with us.
Love, trust, and knowing between us and God. We were made to have relationships with God. But many people don't want the relationship.

2. God initiates a relationship with us.
He pursues us and intercepts us on the way to sin even though we don't want Him.
Romans 5:8, John 6:44, John 15:16, Revelations 3:20
God calls for us and waits for us to let him into our lives.
Matthew 11:28-30
Jesus wants us to take the opportunity to get to know him. He wants us to allow him to add value to our lives. Us not wanting a relationship with God is like a child not wanting a relationship with its mother.
Many people simply have a one-sided relationship with God.
Romans 10:8-10
To begin the relationship, we must accept God's pursuit.
1 John 2:4-6
We must live as Jesus did. We need to be different than worldly people.
Matthew 12:33
As believers, we must bear fruit. The work is not how you are saved, but it is evidence that you have been saved.

3. We cultivate the Relationship with God.
John 15:1-8
People who are sanctification have the spirit of God within them. Sanctification doesn't mean speaking in tongues, it means he helps us bear fruit. God cuts of parts of us that don't bear fruit and prunes the parts that do. The spirit tries to bless others through us, but our pride, jealousy, and selfishness don't allow it to do so.
Many people don't like God requiring them to deny their flesh or doing other things. They like to maintain a superficial relationship. Many people also disconnect from Jesus when times get difficult, so they don't bear fruit. The standard of relationships with God is that we must obey Him. However, some people want Him to lower the standard. But when we remain in him, we won't want the earthly things we used to want.
Your relationship with God affects all other relationships you have.
John 16:33
Don't allow the enemy to derail your relationship with God. True believers won't backslide and will remain with God.
Hebrews 10:26-30
Galatians 5:22-3 "the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, [patience], kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control."

Give God your first fruit instead of your leftovers. "Off the top before anything is spent." Keep reading His word to learn about God.

Relationships sermon series
Proverbs 11:14

Look for guidance for relationships. Before you start dating:

S- Saved, Sanctified, Satisfied
First, you must have a relationship with God. You must be in the process to be less worldly and more like God. Be satisfied with your situation. (But not your relation with God?)

I- Invest in Yourself
Add value to yourself before you can be ready to add value to others. Invest in your relationship with God, your education, your finances, your emotions, your vocabulary, etc. Seek help for trauma issues before you get into a relationship.

N- Never Compromise
Don't be in relationships for convenience. (Wait for a true kingdom spouse and don't get in unhealthy temporary relationships.)

G- Go. Slow Down. Stop.
Green: Is this individual saved? Is this individual committed to personal growth? Do we have the same values?
Yellow: Is this individual responsible? What does this person listen to and read? How does this individual handle hardship?
Red: Is the individual NOT a believer? Does the individual have anger issues? Does the individual have any substance abuse issues? Does the individual not respect boundaries? Does the individual not take care of previous children? Does the individual not want any commitment? Is the individual already married? Is the individual gay? Does the individual lie constantly?

L- Lean Into Accountability
Don't lean on your own understandings. Allow other believers to hold you accountable. Make sure your accountability partner also has integrity.

E- Embrace Your Singleness
1 Corinthians 7:32-35
You can devote more time to God when you are single.

Relationship sermon series
Song of Songs 8:4

Core values: driving principles and beliefs of an organization or individual. You need core values before entering a relationship.
Church's values: love God, love God's people, evangelism, integrity, and creativity.

You then need to share your potential partner's core values. (e.g. commitment to God, celibacy, sobriety, family, and integrity) Don't assume; you need to observe people's actions to see their values. You can add new values, but you shouldn't compromise on existing values. Compromising is often a result of impatience caused by looking for a moral partner who is also saved. Some compromise is also because people don't actually have the compromised values. Interview potential business and relationship partners. If they don't share your values, tensions will rise eventually.

If you look at their small actions, it shows their character in larger situations. God worked this way: if you were faithful in the small things, he would give you more. Many believers are willing to compromise and date people that are in other religions. Have boundaries during different phases of dating to restrain your flesh. If you get too deep into a relationship too fast, it will cost you dearly if you need to pivot and leave the relationship. As a believer, understand that your actions in a relationship affects others' perception of God. You need to have accountability before you commit to the relationship.

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