Chapter 8:New start

Start from the beginning


We open things up showing a very tired Ichigo making his body fall to the ground backwards while he had his eyes closed

Ichigo:This last three days have been one of the worst days I've ever had

Rukia:Oh quit your whining you big baby they weren't that bad

Ichigo: *turns to her with a tick mark and points at her* Easy for you to say! you didn't have to go through with anything

Ichigo sees Rukia sitting on the grass beside him as his annoyed expression turns back to calm one as he decides to lay his head back down to the ground

Right now the two old friends were relaxing in a big clearing field of grass that's surrounded by trees and had the wind blowing at them a lot which made it a very refreshing spot

The atmosphere between the two was quiet as Ichigo had his eyes closed and Rukia had hers open as she enjoyed to look at the nature around but then she looks down at Ichigo seeing his calm and relaxing demeanor there with his head placed on the grassy ground

Which then gives her to do something she wanted to do that she read from a book

Rukia:Hey Ichigo?


Rukia:How about you use my lap as a pillow so you can rest your head on something more comfortable

Ichigo: *blush* What!? *looks at her* what are you talking about I'm fine

Rukia:The grass isn't always the best spot you know also it'll get annoying after awhile and considering you exaggeration on this past few days you'll need something comfortable to rest on

Ichigo: *blush* Well—I mean—you know what sure just don't complain of my horn annoys you okay?

Rukia: *giggles* It's fine just come on and put your head here *pats her lap*

Ichigo is a bit hesitant about this as unlike Rukia who finds this fine he finds this more embarrassing considering that he knows that only couples do this abs last time he remembers he and Rukia are very good friends

He with his blushy face looks at Rukia's lap but he quickly shakes his head so that no naughty thoughts would appear

Ichigo: *places his head down on her lap* There you happy?

Rukia: *giggles* Why are you so embarrassed about Ichigo is not like something bad will come up by doing this

Ichigo: *blush* Where did you even get this idea from?

Rukia:Oh! I got it from this book that tells the story of two young individuals who slowly fall in love


Rukia:Yeah and so the female protagonist does this to the male protagonist so he could relax and clear all negative and stressful thoughts out his head

Ichigo: *blush* Oh! I see? what's this story called if I may ask?

Rukia: *smiles* Oh it's called "ninjas of love" and I've only read twelve pages

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