Chapter 11: Murder Family.

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(Before we start this one I wanna go ahead and say there are parts of this episode I will completely skip such as when Mayberry is talking in the beginning. Reason why is not only do I wanna keep the focus on the reader more than the other characters but also today due to me having a injured knee from yesterday I'm trying to rest up but keep people entertained at the same time which is easier said then done but I manage. Also don't worry I'll keep in every part with the imps of I.M.P so don't worry.)

(Anyway let's get started with this Chapter shall we?)

(Y/N)'s POV

After all the events that just happened I can only assume that now is the time for the first episode of Helluva Boss because I'm in the same room with Moxxie, Millie and Loona and welp Moxxie is shaking while aiming at a picture Loona is holding.

Millie: Mox stop shaking, your gonna shoot our only Hellhound.

And of course Loona was mainly paying attention to her phone instead of Anything else. Wait oh nevermind her tail is around me now. I'm not a blanket but I'm not complaining.

Loona: Wow I feel so loved here.

She says that yet she knows I'm paying attention to her more then M&M anyway but that's her personality so I'll let her say what she wishes.

Millie: Just take a deep breath and let it out.

Moxxie: But- It's a family. Under what circumstances would we ever have to kill a human family? Take (Y/N) for example, he's human but we didn't kill him or his family.

Point taken Mox but I'm not in a position to speak here.

Millie: Well if it's what the client wants then we have to do what we are paid to do. And for (Y/N) he paid us to spare him and for him to work for us, besides we can't beat him anyway with that weapon he has.

She may be a country girl but she is one smart girl.

Moxxie: Maybe a shitty dad, or a bad family. That's understandable. But to eradicate a entire innocent, seemingly in this instance upper middle class family bloodline?

Loona then looked at the picture for a second then looked back at him.

Loona: Hey! You don't know their innocent.

She then points to the little boy in the picture.

Loona: This kid probably sets dogs on fire.

After that I decided to not really listen to this part of the conversation given the fact I already know what they say excluding what they say about me but when my boss kicked down his office door I snapped back to reality.

Blitzø: Guys I want you to meet-

Moxxie then fired his arrow that went all around the office but what I noticed that Changed was it's last target was supposed to Mayberry but instead it was going after me so I quickly knocked it back using my weapon aka the hammer of God but what I wasn't expecting was it went back over to Moxxie and knocked his weapon out of his hands and that was it's last target.

Blitzø: Our new client.

Then that's when the eels that Blitzø bought set the whole place on fire.


Next scene

They finally put out the fire and carried the eels away while Mayberry was in a taxi.

Blitzø: Bye and don't worry we will kill that skank in less than 24 hours or your first kill is free!

Moxxie: when did we start implementing that deal?

The human from another Universe (Helluva Boss X Male Human Reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora