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"may be "

All looked at prem ..

Prem is looking so pale...

Boun ran to him..

" Pao are you ok?." He asked worriedly..

" Yeah. I .." before he could complete he fainted ..

Boun hold him..

"Prem... Prem." Boun turing to wake him up..

" Just take him to hospital boun.. new Tay go with them .. " mom said

Boun sat beside prem.

New is driving

They took prem to hospital.

Doctor went to examine him...

Boun is worried about him..

" Phi don't worry he is going to be fine.." Tay trying to console him

Doctor came your and said..

"Man are you worrying apart from being happy.. "

" What mix say properly..?" Tay asked

"He is pregnant guys.. "

"What?" Boun asked

"Yeah.... But.."

"Will you just complete.." boun asked furiously...

"He is too weak to carry.. i told him but he didn't listened.. but don't worry just make him to be more careful . " Mix said and left..

Boun went inside with Tay. New stopped when he saw Miki....

"Prem are you ok?"

"I am fine.. don't say what mix said to me.. i won't.."

" No no no i won't say against anything ".

Boun hugged him.. Prem smiled and boun get back and looked at Tay

"Where is new?"he asked

Tay looked around and said"i don't know phi.. May be he is outside..."

They heard a
sound ..

Boun Tay ran outside..

5 mins ago

"What are you doing here?"

"I have something to tell you..."

"What? Miki don't make attention... to others"

"Sir it's not me.. Yamada is here..."


Yamada came before he could say

"Hi new. You look handsome after these many years.... "

"Non of your business.."

"Yeah i will kill you today and take over your clan.. i saw their  skills they are well trained man..."

"Thanks. But over my dead body . That's not possible...."

Yamada hit new with his secret dagger..

But he missed that dagger hit prem's room..

When they came..

"If you have guts meet me at my base . Not here you idiot. Don't make nuisance here.." new said

Tay went to him

New nodded as nothing to worry...

Yamada nodded and about to leave. But he shot new  with his gun.. but it hits Tay..that was went deep into tay's upper chest ...

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