◬ (this ones V E R Y long)

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So yesterday I was watching a gacha vid and one of the songs reminded me of a gravity falls x reverse falls x steven universe series I watched about a year ago but when I tried to find the series youtube said that ALL of them were privated. So I tried to find the creator's channel but its also privated so long story short Im posting a summarized version of the series on Watpadd so other people could enjoy it.

So the story goes like this: About a year after the events of weird megadion Dipper and Mabel revisited their grunkles. Dipper decided to go out for a walk when he saw the Bill cipher statue thingy. He noticed a amulet on Bill's neck so he decided to took it back to the mystery shack but on his way there he bumbed into Pacifica, A portal opened under both of them and they got sucked into reverse falls. Meanwhile, Bill got out of his statur phase thingy but he a human now AND DAMM HE'S HOT! 



*clears throat* Anyways human Bill went to the mystery shack to tell Foard what happened and Mabel walked in and was like: "Damm this random guy grunkle Foard is talking to who oddly resembled Bill looks hot as fuck" But then Foard shattered her heart when he told her that its Bill and Stan comes in right at the excact moment when Foard said that. Meanwhile Dipper and Pacifica runs into reverse Gideon and Pacifica some shit happened blah blah blah then they found reverse Dipper and Mabel who kept Will, Bill's brother in their basement and then Mabel Stan Foard and Bill arrived in reverse falls then some more shit and fight scenes happened, Bill and Will sacrificed their powers to stop the reverse twins and to open a portal back to their home dimension but they are forever stuck as humans. B U T T when they are finally home Bill accendtly admids they he was the one who burned their home dimension. 

Then theres a deamatic flash back and it's revealed that Bill had another sibling: Kill. When his parents were teaching Kill to control his power Bill was always secretly watching them and also learned to control his power. He then goes on to teach Will, but Will accendtly made an explosion and both of their parents were mad. Bill wont let his brother get punished so he told their parents that it was him and they yelled at him and tell him how much of a useless child he was. Bill got mad and burned down the intire dimension but him and Will escaped. Bill goes to gravityfalls and Will goes to reversefalls. After the flashback ended Bill told Will that the only thing he want left from that dimension is him and they hugged.

Anyways flash forward like 2-3 months Steven arrived at the mystery shack looking for a job. He got a job but he didnt tell anyone about him being a half-gem but Dipper starts to get suspicious of him.  One night while he was sleeping he entered Bill's dream and seeing him panicking about no wanting to go back to his past so he confronted Bill about it next morning. Bill then told him about his past and the fact that he was part of the crystal war. Bill told steven that he wont tell anyone about him being a half gem if he didnt anyone about his dream. about 2 days later Steven went back to beach city to visit his friends and family But while he was gone Bill went insane, grabbed a knife and tried to stab Foard. T H E E N D

yes thats it. The series ends there before the channel got privated. Hope yall enjoy this very long and weird summary of the series.

Le book of randomnessजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें