Chapter 10

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On the way to the hospital, Ty phoned his mother.
"Hello Ty, how's my future Daughter in Law and my Grandchild, oh and you, of course"
"How could you say that after you tried to kill her?"
"Ty, I told you I would never hurt you or your beautiful Fiancee, she's expecting my grandchild for heaven's sake, is she okay."
"You set up the deal with that worthless company."
"No, it wasn't me, Ty. I have nothing to do with his company. Besides, I have my own money."
"But he said you set it up."
"Anyone could write anything Ty, doesn't mean it's true, and I don't think he's missing or been attacked, he's mad Ty I'm sure of it, they didn't find much blood, he could of left it himself Ty".
"But why attack Amy?"
"He called her a gold digger and after your's and his money, I told him she's Rich herself and doesn't need any, but he thinks everyone is after his money, I'm getting worried myself. How is Amy and the baby Ty? "
"They haven't said we're on our way to the hospital now, I'll phone you later when we know."
"Okay, I love you Ty".
Ty was more confused than ever now. If it was his Dad, what the hell is he up to?

They finally arrived at the hospital. Ty parked his truck and joined the family as they went into the reception.
While they were waiting, Ty explained to them about the phone call to his mother and how he was getting confused about the situation and who to believe.
Just as Ty finished, the doctor came over to speak to them.
"How's my daughter doctor?"
"Mss Fleming, Your Daughter is Alive and well apart from a few injuries."
"How is our baby?"
"Your Miss Fleming's Fiance."
"Yes ,Ty Borden."
"Your baby looked very comfortable in there according to the Ultra sound Mr Borden. The baby is fine. Miss Fleming is doing very well considering what she's been through. A few stiches here and there, a minor concussion and needing a lot of rest to recover. "
"Thank you, Doctor. May we see her."
"I'll send someone to get you all when she's settled."
Half an hour later, they were shown into Amy's room.
There were hugs off everyone, but a big kiss for Ty. Amy explained what happened and how she'd only been out of the cab for she guessed an hour.
She was unconscious for a long time due to the blow to her head then she spent ages trying to find her knife as the angle of the truck had made the seatbelt clasp tight and had to cut the belt to release it. Amy said she still felt groggy from concussion when they found her.

Ty stayed with Amy longer after the family left and explained what his mother had told him about his father and how confused he was about who was doing these things. He and Amy spoke about it, and she didn't believe Lilly would attack her and the baby or his father,  Amy asked Ty if there could be anyone else doing this.
Ty was going to drive back to Calgary, but Amy told him to stay at her place as it was closer.
Once Ty left Amy, he made a call for security on Amy as he reckoned whoever it was wasn't finished until Amy was dead. He wouldn't allow that to happen.
Back at Heartland, Marion looked out the window and saw lights on in Amy's Ranch House and Ty's truck parked outside.
"Who's in Amy's place?"
"Calm down, Dad, it's only Ty, Amy phoned me to say he was stopping tonight."
"She should have asked me. This is my Ranch."
"It may be your Ranch, but that is Amy's Ranch House."
"I want her back in this house where we can keep an eye on her, not on her own over there."
"You mean where you can keep an eye on her and control her. That is not happening Dad, she's an adult, and I am her mother. She's staying in her own home. We have enough going on at the moment without you making it worse. "
"Oh yeah, so she can be promiscuous and take her boyfriends to share her bed, she's already pregnant."
"She has only had one serious boyfriend who is now her Fiance ", and what she does with her life is her business. "
Marion went to grab some things for Amy, who was staying in hospital for at least another two days. Not long after she got back into the kitchen, Jack was gone. A little later she looked out the window and saw him at Amy's front door.

Ty opened the door seeing Jack stood there.
"What you doing in Amy's house?"
"Hello to you too Jack, I was going to go home to Calgary but Amy told me to stay here so I can visit her in the morning as it's closer."
"Well since she got involved with you she's got pregnant and someone has tried to kill her twice so I want you out of her life starting now, this may be Amy's house but the ground it's on is mine. Now get off my property and leave Amy alone. You've got ten minutes, or I'll shoot ya. "
Jack left and walked back.
Marion wanted to know what Jack said and then heard Ty's truck drive off.
"What did you say to Ty?"
"To stay away from Amy and get off my ranch."
"You did what Jack Bartlett."
"Think I'll leave Mum to sort you out, Dad. Good luck."
Ty was driving towards Calgary when his phone rang.

Jack was standing in the kitchen making his morning coffee when Lyndy walked in, and then Marion, they got drinks and sat at the kitchen table. Marion noticed that Her dad wasn't talking and looked at her mum, who gave her a wink.
"So I see Ty didn't get too far away by the time you phoned him Marion".
"No, Mum ,thankfully he turned round and came back."
Jack immediately turned to look out the window and saw Ty walk out of Amy's and get into his truck. Jack turned with a red face and saw Lyndy and Marion watching him.
"In case you forgot dear husband, Amy and Ty are engaged, and unless you want Amy to leave with him when there married or before ,then keep your nose out of her life unless you have something constructive to say of course, if not , pack your bags and as you told Ty, Leave".
Jack walked out and went to check on the cattle.

While Ty was with Amy, he got a phone call. Amy watched his face as he listened to the caller.
"Thank you for letting me know, I'll get there as soon as possible.
"What's wrong Ty".
"My mum's car crashed, she's in a really bad way, police said that the brake lines had been cut."


To be continued

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