Chapter 20: Monster

Start from the beginning

"The only way is to give those humans something they can truly believe and grasp, regardless of how they think."

I think back on this as I sit at the breakfast table the following morning in the dining hall, sitting beside Connie Springer and Eren Jeager. Jean Kirstein sat opposite me, eating his breakfast at an unreasonable pace while trading daggers with Eren. The two had an altercation the previous night which resulted in Eren flipping Jean onto his back, a trick Annie had taught him in training.

" Yo Y/n!, you hardly touched your food man, you feeling sick?" Springer said, throwing an arm around my shoulder and pointing to my food with his other.

I looked to him and smiled.

"Not too hungry, I will probably leave it for Sasha" I replied, pushing my plate gently in front of me.

"Oh no, you need to eat, we've got running and conditioning today" Reiner said as he walked past behind where I sat with Bertholdt in tow, pulling my plate back in front of me.

I looked down at the meal before me, before looking back with the same smile.

"Yes, you are right, I should keep my strength up. Shadis is going to put us through the motions and then some" I replied, taking up a spoon and beginning to eat.

"Too right, I mean I cannot believe he made me, and Sasha run laps till dusk again, its not like he's lost ALL his facial hai-" his sentence was cut short by a hand being placed on his shoulder. I looked left to see a newly shaven commander Shadis glaring down at the back of his head.

"Springer, until both you and Brauss are out of this camp, I will CONTINUE making both of you run laps until either my facial hair grows back in full, OR your legs break. Now finish up and get ready, you both have 100 laps to run before conditioning starts." Shadis gave Connie a light pat and made his way out of the building. Springer sat there; blank faced with rolls of sweat making their way down his head.

Reiner, Eren and Jean laughed, before gathering everything after them and bringing it back to the serving counter, before making their way out onto the grounds, following behind the rest of the cadets as they filled their way out. Connie, after lamenting his choice of cations, soon followed, until it was only me.

I finished my meal, before making my way to the door. Once again, I thought back to the night before, my glass eyes unmoving as I stepped outside. It had gotten cloudy and dark, and trainees were grabbing their cloaks to prepare for rain. I also walked to the bunkhouse, grabbing my hood from the chest at the end of my bunk. The room was quiet as I stood up, the creaking of floorboards beneath and behind me. I stood for a moment, staring into the wall on the far side of the room. The burning had returned to my back where the brand still laid, faint but present. It was not nearly as painful as it used to be, similar to the burning you would feel from bare skin sliding across stone.

"You understand what it is you must do; what it is you must accept." The Void whispered INTO MY EAR. THE WHISPERS OF A CREATURE NOT OF THIS REALITY. THE VOICE OF A BEING THAT SHOULD NOT BE SO CLOSE, SO PRESENT, SO HEAR, SO CLEAR.

I stared through my glass eyes.


I stared through my glass eyes

The gentle touch of a hand pressed into my branding

"You...are the instrument of a higher will, mine and yours" she whispered into my ear, the voice of the creature that birthed me.

"And just as you are the instrument of mine and you, they are the instrument of you and them." It said as I made my way to the door. I had left my cloak on the bed, unneeded as the material possession it was.

I stepped out into the rain that pelted down like bullets on my skin, I stepped into the ground that was drenched in water, I wandered through the hail and howls of the demented sky above me

"The ultimate truth that all people must accept before they can achieve enlightenment and allowing me to lead them to the glory they see" I said.

"The only thing that all human beings are truly equal in"

Is death

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