Chapter 7: Unforeseen

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Im ready. Im ready. I have prepared myself mentally and physicaly for what is to come tomorrow. I have everything planned. I know when to make my move, how I will make it and what the result will be. Everything has been thought through, with multiple counter measures in place for each stage.
I lay at the base of the hill next to the outer walls and containment of the camp, looking up at the purple and blue sky. It was starting to get cold, the thin hoodie I had on, doing little to keep my body heat contained. As I gazed up at the sky, the bright curtain drawing back to reveal the stars, I wondered just how the result may differ from what I have planned. Will it go accordingly to what I have set out, or will the counter measures be required. I dont know. Thats just the joy of life isn't it, we just dont know.

And yet.......

I feel nothing but anger.

It annoys me. The more my mind wanders to the topic at hand, the more rage and sick I feel. I hated this. I hated this world. I hate everything here god dammit. We were treated like trash. Nah, less than that. Even me, who grew up with a happy life. Everything was taken from me. My mother. My freedom. My chances at living with happiness and freedom in this world. Everything. By them.

I hate them.

I hate them.

I began to snarl slightly, my fists clenched so hard it drew blood. I could feel spikes rising from the ground below me, not large and sharp, but small and finite. I was layed on a bed of nails. And these nails dug into me, piercing me but not hurting me. It angered me even more.

"No one ever truely has, or ever will be free. Even those Marleyans. Even those who have the freedom to go and do as they please. If we are not bound by chains and shackles, we are bound by our minds, and the opinions of others. We are bound by this world. I dont think I will ever forgive myself, or anyone else for this."

"Oi, Tyber!" I heard someone call. I felt the spikes leave my back, retreating back into the ground. I grit my teeth. Another one of these enslavers, here to tell me what to do. I glanced up, through my hair and half lidded eyes, at the soilder, standing 10 feet away at the bottom of the hill. I stood up slowley, broadening myself slightly, maintaining my gaze on him. I began walking forward, at a slow and defined pace, not breaking rhythm. I made my way to him, the whole time, staring him in the eyes. He looked like he was about to say something, but cut it off, staring back into my eyes. I stopped, shy a foot and a half of him and continued to stare into his eyes, waiting.

Finally, his gaze dropped to his feet. That felt good. That felt really good.

"What?" I replied , still trying to look him in the eye. Funny thing though, he was at least a head taller than me.

"Eh..Comand wants to speak with you" he replied, glancing up as he spoke, only to drop his gaze once more.

"That so" I replied, walking past him, and making my way to Maggots office. I walked at a slightly faster pace, but not too fast. I wanted to make Maggot wait. The soilder scrambled to catch up and walked in tow.

We said nothing to one another, though I could hear the uncomfortable sound if his gun strap constantly moving over his shoulder. This felt good. Being in control of a situation. It made me grin slightly, not a full smile, but a soft tug on my lips. I made my way to the main building in the camp, a 4 story block of concrete and windows. As I walked in, i let my gaze slowley travel across the area. Soilders, secretaries and office workers bustled about, carrying papers, talking, or just keeping their heads down and moving from one place to another. I began walking, keeping my gaze locked on the stairway directly in front of me, right next to the reception desk.

As I was walking, i happened to see a Marleyan soilder, with two others in tow, kick the shins of a secretary, who happened to be passing with a stack of papers in her arms. I stopped and slid my gaze over. I watched as the woman held her shin in pain, clearly she was severly hurt by the kick. My guess is the soilder was wearing steel toed boots.

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