Chapter 11: Dispute and Link

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I quickly pulled my hand away from the woman, startled. I stumbled back a few steps, looking down at my hand for a moment, before looking back to the woman.

Her hand was in the exact same place, frozen, her eyes were wide and her mouth was slightly hanging open. She slowley drew it back, covering her mouth.

Tears began to slowley fall from her eyes in streams, gathering at her chin and dropping onto her lap, darkening the fabric. I made my way toward her again, slowley, and kneeled down in front of her.

"Miss?" I said, slowley bringing my hand up. She flinched slightly, but I made a calming gesture by flattening out my hand and bringing it down slowley.

"I....I..." she stuttered, her words muffled slightly behind her hand. Tears were running down from those beautiful eyes, that seemed to shine and dance with the tears.

I brought my hand back up slowley again. This time, she did not flinch. I cupped her cheek lightly, brushing away a few tears.

"You crying miss, are you alright?" I said, doing my best to keep a level voice. However, I felt grief, beyond anything, in my chest, my head, everywhere. It spread through my body, tormenting every cell. It shook me to my very core.

She also slowley brought a hand up and cupped my cheek, looking into my eyes.

"As.....are you" she responded. I reached up and felt my eyes and cheek, and they were indeed soaked. I pulled away, stood and walked a few steps, facing away and taking a second to compose myself, wiping my eyes. But the feeling did not go away.

It was unimaginable guilt. I dont even understand how to describe it. It spread through every cell, every piece of me. It sucked the very life and vigor from my bones. I dont understand this. What is this?

I felt myself slump over slightly, my gaze drifting downward. I felt tired. My legs felt unstable. My heart was racing, beating so hard I felt it would break through my ribs, burst from my chest.

This scared me. I dont understand this. Why do I feel this, why am I reacting to this. It felt like I was choking on nothing but air. This hurt. Like nothing else.

I breathed in and out, calming myself to the best of my ability, straightening myself, before turning back to the woman.

She was stood up, her box of apples cradled in her arms, looking over at me. Her eyes were dry, but the tracks still were clear on her face. The box was judering slightly, her hands shaking. She quickly averted her gaze down, her black hair stranding over her shoulder, the shawl still covering her hair.

"Are you.....a titan shifter?" I asked, taking my time and evening the pace and tone of my voice, afraid it would wobble slightly.

The box of apples once more hit the floor. Her eyes widened, before shooting up to look at me, alarm and panic written all over her face. She composed herself after a second, before painting a blank look on her face, turning away, feining disintrest.

"I have no idea what you are speaking of" she replied, but her tone was quick, and it shook slightly.

"I think we both know the level of honesty in that sentance alone, miss. We both saw the lightning that entwined our hands" I replied, taking a step forward.

She turned and looked at me over her right shoulder. The golden glow from the street danced on her delicate features, reflecting against those eyes that seemed to change color every moment, from a light blue, to cyan, to deep purple.

"How is it you know of such beings. And why does one stand before me as of now?" She questioned in a monotone voice, her brow furrowed with distrust.

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