Chapter 9: Infiltration

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I sat atop the large walls of Paradise dock, looking down at the dunes of sand beneath me. Whisps blew to the left, carried by the late evening wind as the sky darkened ever so slowley. The setting sun cast shadows across the mounds of sand, and dipped into the huge footprints that numbered in the hundreds at the bottom of the wall

I was on the edge of the wall, sitting with one knee up, my elbow resting on it, and my other leg swinging freely off the edge. I gazed off as far as I could into the distance, making out a vast amount of greenery beyond the sand dunnes.

My coat flapped in the gentle breeze as I looked on and sat in wait, waiting for the sun to go down.

After another hour, I checked a small pocket watch I had brought. 11:30. Perfect. The sun had just dipped below the horizon and the last few strands of light clung to the dunnes, before being dragged away, plunging Paradise into darkness.

I stood, and looked down the far reach from the wall to the ground below. I narrowed my eyes. I will have to avoid landing to hard, to prevent to much damage to my titan. Damage means expended energy after all.

I then had an idea.

I kneeled down on one knee, placing my hand on the wall. There it is. That tug. I smiled. That means I can use the walls exterior surface to slow my descent. I could potentially fuse my titan body to the wall, slowley, starting with the skin and then working my way in gradually. This should slow my descent to a minute level as I fall, meaning I could land with little to no damage.

I stood back up straight, looking downn and contemplating my idea. It was risky and a gamble, but oh well. It was the fun way down.

I slowley drew my hands into my pockets. In my left, I gripped a flip knife. In the other, my mothers necklace. I closed my eyes, tilting my head back and holding in a breathe for a moment, before releasing it and leveling my head, looking dead ahead, at my future and my destination.

"Compose yourself. Those weak minded do not survive in this world" I mutter to myself, before enclosing my left hand around the knife, and my right loosening, leaving the necklace in the snug confines of my pocket. I brought out the knife, flicking it open and looked at myself in the polished reflection of the blade, before moving it to the palm of my hand.

And then. I jumped.

As I free fall, I take a moment to appreciate the bliss of the wind on my skin, the weightlessness and the rush of of adrenaline through my body. Time seemed to slow down. Then, I pulled the knife back along me palm, drawing blood.

Lightning struck from the dim rose sky, as a ball of light and energy envolped me and the surrounding area in a dazzling yellow light. I closed my eyes, feeling every bone, muscle, tendon and molecule of my titan, attach and build itself from me to the outside, creating a structure around me. I then felt my body envolping me in a hard substance.

And then there was silence, I opened my eyes again, and saw my chalky white body, still free falling down the side of the wall. I looked to my right and saw I was holding my own body, envolped in crystal, with the cord attached to my ankles flying in the breeze. My eyes were closed and I looked like I was asleep, peacefully, the knife still in my left hand. I then looked left and saw I was easily within reaching distance of the wall.

I reached over and brushed the finger tips of my left hand to the wall as I slid down, running it along it as I fell. I waited until I was roughly half way down the wall, before I slammed my palm into the wall, allowing my titan skin to begin fusing with it. It began at a steady pace, however not to quickly, so to ensure I did not fully harden and fall the rest of the way, while my arm stayed in the wall.

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