Part 8: Here We Go! Part 1

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This is not my picture. Link to where I found it:

Onto the story!

Gooey's POV

I've been here for so long! When will something happen? Ok, to be honest, I haven't been here for a full day. But it feels so loooooong.

At this point, almost every Dark Matter has been blamed for attacking Zero. All but one, and he's pretty scary: Dark Matter Blade. My goodness!

That hair... that sword... that strange feeling that Zero actually smiles at him... It's so cool, but scary! I think Zero is warming up to me, though.

"Master Zero, I have come to the conclusion of who is attacking you at random moments," he said to him.

Well, dang it! I was so close. Zero looked pretty worn out and damaged. "Took you long enough. Thanks, though." What did I say?! Is he smiling at DMB? (Dark Matter Blade just in case people wanna scream at me for something)

"Who is it?" He asked, quite intrigued. "It's the new one, Gooey," DMB said. "Him? Why would it be him?" Zero probably lost his interest in whatever he had to say. "Listen to the evidence," DMB pleaded. Zero accepted his request.

"Gooey was with us until he went down there with Kirby. He probably learned things like 'Zero is the bad guy!' or 'DMB is mean and the author thinks he's cool!' Even worse, he's attacked us before. What's stopping him from doing that now?"

Busted! I'm so busted! What do I do?!

Kirby's POV

Ugh. I can't take it. When will Gooey come back?

Ok, I guess I'm overreacting.  Has it been a full day?


Am I completely entertained and happy right now?


Is Bandana Dee worse than Gooey?

No. (If you think yes than sorry.)

I got it! I've got my plan. I'm still in bed right now, and I cannot sleep.

Normally, Gooey sleeps on a bed for our pet Awoofy. We got 2 because it was a buy 2 for the price of 1 deal. I can't help it! They are so convenient!

We were getting a bit annoyed with Gooey on the bed. Elfilin, Bandana Dee, Gooey and I used to share a bed. Gooey has his own little thing (just as I said a paragraph ago) and Bandana Dee has his own bed too.

Anyways, back to me. What were we talking about? Uhhhhh... Oh! My plan!

I think what I need to do is go to Hyper Zone and attack Zero there. Everyone else can take on Dark Matter if they come. I also left a note for Bandana Dee. It reads:

"I am not here. I'm at Hyper Zone right now! Tell the group that if no Dark Matter come, then go to Hyper Zone. Bye! -Kirby"

I hope that's enough.

So, long (very long) story short, I'm here. At Hyper Zone.

This place is so weird! No floors, walls, sky, or rooms. How do they even sleep? DO they sleep?

Unfortunately, my exploration was cut very short by DMB. My goodness, why is he the so-cool-but-at-the-same-time-scary type of guy?

"Hey! You! You aren't allowed here," he said. Whoops. I just hovered past him. He was kind of caught of guard by that. "W-what? Dude. I'm right here," he said as he spun around to catch up to me.

Nobody's POV

Kirby and Gooey saw each other. They sort of just sat there, realizing who they were looking at. Then it was like a switch was flicked, and they floated towards each other and hugged each other.

"I'm glad to see you again!" Kirby said as he wiped a tear off his eye. "Yeah, it felt so long," Gooey replied.

"Listen up well, newbie." DMB finally caught up to Kirby, although he was tired of trying to get to him. "I know why you're here. You just want to stop Zero from taking Dreamland over. I will NOT allow this!"

(I guess you can picture this boss fight with Dark Matter Blade battle theme on.)

Even though DMB was tired, he was quick in battle. He sped around the two and shot a sword beam at them. Kirby inhaled it and got the Sword Kirby copy ability. Then Gooey shot another dark plasma bolt.

Kirby slashed at DMB. It did some damage, but being a boss means you can take hits and keep moving.

He slashed at the two with is sword, spinning it in the infinity sign. (♾️) Kirby dodged, but Gooey got hit.

They kept hitting him as DMB recharged, and they knocked him into low HP. "Wow, how am I losing this?!" He was shocked that he was getting defeated.

He used his last and strongest attack. He transformed into Real Dark Matter.

 He transformed into Real Dark Matter

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(Basically that.)

He shot dark lasers and orange spheres at the duo, and they had a hard time moving out of the way.

"Ready?" Gooey told Kirby. "Ready!" Kirby went towards Gooey, and he grabbed Kirby with his tongue. He launched him at DMB and Kirby spun with his sword out. With that attack, DMB was defeated.

"Nice going, Gooey!" Kirby went towards him, rubbing his head. "Thanks! But now we have to fight Zero," he said. And they were off towards the center of Hyper Zone.

Stay tuned for part 9!

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