The Foreclosure Task Force, assemble!

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Back to the Kivotos centre...
Vjboy: Hey, where should we go next?
Hoshino: Wait, Vj!
Vjboy: ?
Hoshino: I just got the news, there's a group of criminals around here, we better be careful.
Vjboy: Oh, ok I know.
The lights suddenly go off..
Vjboy: !!!
Hoshino: Hmm... me and my big mouth.. Follow me, Vj!!
They move rapidly to another part of the shopping centre...
Hoshino: Ok, we've outrun them
Vjboy: Outrun who? I didn't even see anyone..
Hoshino: You really didn't know that we're in danger?
Vjboy: I...
Hoshino: NVM, we'll be safe here.
Vjboy: !!!
Vj takes Hoshino's hand and quickly jump into a cabinet...
They can hear footsteps outside, they're becoming bigger and bigger...and then it goes past by...
Vjboy: Phew... So close.
Hoshino: Fuu... Fuu...Hm...
Vjboy: *Figures out the situation* Eh???
Hoshino: Vj, I...can't breathe, you're hugging me so tight.
Vjboy: Oh, I'm sorry, we'll be out of here now, so don't worry.
Hoshino: Wait! Can I ask you sth?
Vjboy: ....
Hoshino: *Embarrassed* Is hugging me makes you feel good?
Vjboy: .... I-If ordinary, I'm not allowed to do this, but... as your part-time boyfriend, It... feels good..
Hoshino: Oh... am I smell good?
Vjboy: L-like candy...
Hoshino: *embarrassed*So... Do you want to keep hugging me?
Vjboy: (Vj, calm down, make this as realistic as u can)
Vjboy: As long as u still be my part-time girlfriend.
Hoshino: Vj...
Vjboy: ok, let's get outta here
While they're talking, outside of the Kivotos centre. ...
Criminal 1: Emergency🚨🚨🆘🆘!!! A stranger with an AR is attacking our allies by gunfire and Grenades, is a girl, she has destroyed a small part of our team!!!
Criminal's leader: Why did you just stand there? Do sth, do sth to stop her!Whatever you can!! Cannot let her breaks into the shopping centre!!
Shiroko: Yaaaaa..... Concentrate fireeee!!!
Criminal 2 : Aaaaa... The enemy is so powerful, be careful and keep distance!!
Criminal 1: Dammit, leaderrr, we're in trouble, she is on way to the front door and looks like she's not gonna stop... We can hold this longer, leader!!!
Criminal's leader:....
Criminal's leader:....
Criminal's leader: CALL THE KAITENGERS!!!!
Vj and Hoshino are finding the way out of the shopping centre..
Hoshino: The front door has been blocked by the criminals, we must find another way out.
Vjboy: Is there any other way?
Hoshino:... I don't know
They're walking through a suspicious hallway..
Hoshino: In front of us is a maze, follow me, be careful to avoid getting lost in there...
Vjboy: Got it, Hmm....?
Vjboy: ....!!!!! Hoshino, we've been spotted, there are lots of cameras here!
Hoshino: ??!! Dammit
The criminals: Catch them all!!!
Hoshino: Run!!Let's separate them into 2 groups, it'll be easier to get rid of...
Vjboy: Roger that!!
The criminals: separate into two groups, follow them and catch 1 by 1 !!
Hoshino is running in a big and tricky maze..
Hoshino: Haizz... Even I still don't know this place well, how could Vj find the exit?
About half an hour later...
Hoshino: Haha, got ya, I've cut them off behind... thing is going to be easy, the exit is over there!!
Hoshino finally made it out of the maze..
Hoshino: *pant*pant* yes, I've made it, but where's Vj?
Vjboy: here..
Hoshino finds Vj leaning on a wall with a big wound made by bullets and blood covers his shirt...
Hoshino: Vj!!!! Are you okay?
Vjboy: I got into a dead end when I was running and they shot me, I have to use a big grenade to knock them out..., but now I can't move...
Hoshino: cmon, you can do it, stand up, I'll help you, we almost made it out of here, the front entrance is opening now...
Hoshino: ??
Shiroko destroys the door with a c4...
Hoshino: Shiroko? How could she know we're here? But wait...
Shiroko walks slowly into the building with a tiring face....
Shiroko: *Pant* pant* they're too strong...
Shiroko fainted down in front of... The Kaitengers...
Red Kaiten: That's all you've got? We expected more from you....
Yellow Kaiten: wait, captain, there's someone walking down the stairs!!
Red Kaiten: Hmm...?
Hoshino: Stop right there!! You're not allowed to touch my friend!
Red Kaiten: well... Well. Well, look who's here? Hoshino from Abydos, right?
Hoshino: ....
Red Kaiten: you look powerful, but whoever you are, prepare yourself to lose, Kaiten!! Formation A!
Hoshino: (Why there's only Shiroko, where are the others??)
Red Kaiten: Fireee!!!
Suddenly gunfire shot from behind, knock down Blue and Black Kaiten...
Nonomi and Serika: What are you doing with our teammates??!!
Hoshino: Nonomi! Serika! What takes you so long?
Serika: sorry, we'll explain later, but now, let's get rid of them first!
Nonomi: but wait, where's Vj?
Hoshino: Call ayane, he's getting injured...over there
Nonomi and Serika: !!! Call Ayane
Shiroko: don't worry, I've called her already, she'll be here soon.
Hoshino: Shiroko? Thought you've been defeated?
Shiroko: I brought some medical kit, so I can take care of myself... Here, take one, Hoshino.
Hoshino:... Thanks
Red Kaiten: What in the world is happening??? There are four enemies here.
Hoshino: Hmph!Gather, Everyone!!Show them the real power of the Foreclosure Task Force!!!
Nonomi, Serika, Shiroko: Let's get rid of them!!!

[Blue archive]Happy Valentine's Day, Shiroko 💖 حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن