STORY: Happy valentine's day, Shiroko

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I'm Vjboy, is a student from Abydos High school, also a member of the Foreclosure Task Force
There are five more members in the club:
Shiroko, Hoshino, Serika, Ayane,Nonomi

A late Friday afternoon, after class....
Vjboy: Hey, Shiroko!!
Shiroko: Hmm....?Vj? What are you doing here?
Vjboy: You are cycling home alone again?
Vjboy: Why don't u go with me? I'm a biker too, we can cycling home together.
Shiroko: Sorry, I've been busy with my work these days
Vjboy: What work? Can u tell me?
Shiroko: No, I can't, I'm sorry that I didn't tell u earlier
Vjboy: (Staring at Shiroko)
Shiroko: Oh, I gotta go, I hope we can cycling home together later
Vjboy: ......ok, see u next week
Vj cycle away with disappointment on his face.
Shiroko: Wait, Vj!
Shiroko: Do you have time this weekend ?
Vjboy: Sure I am!!
Shiroko: I want u to hang out with me, but I'm not sure if you have time for this
Vjboy: What are u saying? If it was for Shiroko.....
(Vjboy suddenly shut his mouth with an embarrassing face)
Shiroko: hmm...? What did u just say?
Vjboy: oh, ok, I've checked my schedule, I can go with u
( Actually, Vjboy doesn't have a specific schedule for himself, so he mostly do everything depend on his feelings )
Shiroko: ok, that's good, so on Sunday, I'll come to pick u up
Vjboy: Can I go pick you up this time? I've never been to your house before
Shiroko:.....u can, but not this weekend, I'm preparing an important thing for a special day, so my house looks like a mess at present.
Vjboy:.....ok, I got it
Shiroko: ok, I gotta go, it's getting a little bit darker now.
Vjboy: Sayonara, Shiroko
Shiroko: um..

Sunday.....5 pm
Vjboy: (keeps waiting....)
Shiroko: Hey Vj, I'm here
Vjboy: oh, I'm coming !!
*open the door*
Shiroko is wearing a cycling jersey, looks so different from her on normal days...
Shiroko: Hi, sorry for being late, I need to clean my house and prepare a little thing before we go.
Vjboy's mind:(What happened? I just can't stop staring at her, she looks so....)
Shiroko: * noticed* um....Vj? Is everything okay?
Shiroko: *embarrassed* Am I look good in this jersey?, don't staring at me like that..
Vjboy: *back from his dream* Oh? Sorry, u look good, don't worry about that, let's go.=))
Vj takes his bike out and waves at Shiroko, tells her to be ready.
Shiroko: where should we go?
Vjboy: We'll head straight to Abydos High school!!!
Shiroko:....Now there's no one at school, are you sure?
Vjboy: We won't go there for study, I wanna play another sport instead of just cycling.
Shiroko: Hmm...? No cycling today ? So what will we play?
Vjboy: Hehe, you'll know when we get there. Alright, let's go!!
Vj and Shiroko cycling and talking all the way to Abydos High school(mostly Vj, Shiroko just hear and answer, she doesn't talk much, cause that's the way she is )
About half an hour later, they finally arrived...
After parked their bikes, they come in and head to the soccer field
Vjboy: The soccer field is always empty
Shiroko: yeah, we no longer using this since lots of students left the school, because there aren't enough students to play a 7v7 soccer match, even if it was a 5v5 match, we still didn't have enough players
Shiroko: By the way, what we're gonna do here?
Vjboy:( staring at Shiroko again)
Shiroko: Why are you looking at me like that?
Vjboy: Of course we gonna play soccer
Shiroko: Only two of us?!!
Vjboy: No, we'll have more players when the game starts.
Shiroko: .....I don't know who you're talking about...
Vjboy: ok, let's change our clothes, the game gonna begin soon.
Vj suddenly hold Shiroko's hand and start running toward the dressing room
Shiroko: Hey, wait!
But then he stop for a moment, and turns back, looking at Shiroko and their hands are holding tight
Vjboy: ....Shiroko, am I allowed to do this?
Shiroko: * embarrassed* Um...If u didn't ask me, maybe I wouldn't mind.
Vj takes his hand off.
Shiroko: *smile*Vj....I'm just joking. Here, take my hand, but not so tight, ok?
Vjboy : *excited* Oh...ok =))
In the dressing room...
Shiroko: Vj..., I have a question
Vjboy: Hmm..?
Shiroko: I didn't know we would play soccer, so I didn't bring my football kit
Vjboy: *smile* Don't worry, I brought one for you.
Shiroko: *surprised* How could you know my body size ?!
Vjboy:.....I just guess, you're size M, right?
Vjboy: I chose number 10 for you, since you're the Task Force's sporty field captain, here you are.
Shiroko: * takes the kit from Vj's hand*
Vjboy: By the way, which position you mostly play ?
Shiroko: Me? Midfielder or Attacker
Vjboy: Wow, opposite from me, I mostly play as a defender, but when my teamates are in trouble, I can play as an extra frontmen, too.
Shiroko: Oh....
Shiroko: Umm....When can we start?
Vjboy: Now
Shiroko: But u said that we're gonna have more players coming.
Vjboy: They'll not come, they are in these glasses.
Shiroko: What's that?
Vjboy: Put it on and you'll see, don't be surprised =))
Shiroko: *put the glasses on*
System: Simulation starts,now
Shiroko: oh, wow....
Vjboy: It's good, huh? It's a kind of soccer simulation, which will allow you to play in a real match, even if you're alone, all you need is just a spacious place to run.
Vjboy: I think the best choice would be at an empty soccer field like this
Shiroko:(still choosing sth on the screen)
Vjboy:....Hey, are you listening to me?
Shiroko: I did, I'm just creating a party for us. Ok, join me. We'll be playing at Superstar level.
Vjboy: Superstar???!!!, you gotta be kidding me!
Shiroko: *delighted* Just try your best, I will, too =)
Vjboy: Ok, let's go out there and show them our class !!
In the 7v7 match of 1 hour, 30 min and then half- time:
Match highlights:
18' The opponent team attacks, they're running down the wing
Shiroko: Vj, watch out!!
Vjboy: I got this!
Vjboy done a powerful tackle
32' Shiroko has the ball, she dribbles though 2 bot players and pass to an attacking bot, the pass was good but the shot has been saved by the goalkeeper
54' Goallllll!!!!, the opponent team has scored a goal by a strong header after a curve corner taken.
Vjboy: pant* pant*, darn it. They're too strong and fast, we can't win with only two of us playing well.
Vjboy: *turns back* cheer up, guys, we still have time for an epic comeback, let's go!!
Shiroko:.....( Vj, don't you know they're all bots?)
System : Buff activated : Remontada spirit
Shiroko: !!! (What happened?)
System: All bot players
+20% speed and acceleration
+30%offensive awareness
+25% shooting and passing accuracy
Shiroko:( How could it be?, don't tell me....)
Shiroko:(it was because of him)
System: captain chosen: Vjboy
A captain's armband appears on Vj's arm
Vjboy:......( this is?)
Vjboy:..ok, I got it
Vj turns back at his teamates...
Vjboy: Cmon guys, believe in yourself and we can do everything. We will win this game. Remember this, I'll never go back on my word, that's the way I am!!
Shiroko: ( Vj......)
Vjboy: Shiroko, you'll play as an attacker from now on, leave the rest to me and the others.
Vjboy: *thumbs up* I believe in you =)).
Shiroko: Thanks.....
System: Perfect duel boost:
1p: Sunaookami Shiroko
2p: Vjboy
+ 20% of all stats
*Kick off again*
Vjboy: *push Shiroko's back and look at his teamates*: Let's go, guys!!
The match has become hotter and the opponent team is trying to prevent Vj's team from equalizing the score no matter what it takes.
75' Vj is having the ball, running down the wing in super speed
System: Skill activated: Cut inside
Vj dribbles past 2-3 players and make a shot from outside the box
Goallllll!!!! They finally had the equalizer
Shiroko:(He made it, so these are the abilities that a sporty field captain should have)
Shiroko: Vj, next is my chance.
Vjboy:.....*smile* Ok, I got it
89': An attacking chance from the home field, Vj has the ball again and....
Vjboy: Shiroko!!!Run!
A picturesque long though pass was made by the captain, this is almost the last chance for them to score
Shiroko runs behind the defenders and receives the ball, controls it smoothly and start dashing forward at pace
Shiroko: ( it's time)
Shiroko vs the goalkeeper, she made a fake shot to get past her opponent, and...
System: Skill activated: Final kick
100% accuracy
Goalllllll!!!! Mission impossible is accomplishhhh
Vjboy: Yaaaaaaaa!!!!!
Shiroko: *Turns back with a bright smile*Vj, we did it.....huh?
Vj happily hugs Shiroko when she turns back....
System: Simulation stops...
Vjboy: Shiroko, we made it, an epic comeback!!
Vjboy: Hmm....?
Vjboy: * finally figured out the situation*
Shiroko:*embarrassed* you're.... hugging me so tight
Vjboy: * takes his hand off Shiroko's body* I'm sorry, I didn't mean to...
Shiroko: *stands up* it's ok, good to see you happy like this, I really enjoy it.
Vjboy: Umm...
Shiroko: *embarrassed*By the way....I didn't say that you're not allowed to do that
Vjboy:....I'm sorry, I just too happy that I couldn't control myself
Shiroko: Umm....
Vjboy: *embarrassed* But....u just said that I can do that, right?
Shiroko: ....I know that was happened accidentally, but next time u must have my permission, ok?
Shiroko: It'll be hard to explain if the members of the Task Force see us hugging each other. another place, not here
Vjboy:(She is getting serious about this)
Shiroko: Oh....umm...Ok, the match is over, let's head back home

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