An unexpected issue

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After the song, Hoshino smiles happily while resting on Vj's shoulder...
Hoshino: I never felt like this before, now I know what is falling in love feels like. Arigatou, Vj.
Vjboy: Um.. It's nothing, but we still have some other games to play, so...
Hoshino: No, I don't need to play anymore games, just to be near my part-time boyfriend is enough, and I want this continues forever...
Vjboy: ... (Damn, she's falling deeply into this, what am I supposed to do?)
Vjboy:( ok, I won't let this getting so far)
Vjboy: Umm... Hoshino, wanna eat sth?
Hoshino: Yes, I'd love to.
Vjboy: Ok, how about fish ice cream? I think you will like it.
Hoshino: fish ice cream? Where? Where?
Vjboy: Ok, follow me little girl
They go to an ice cream shop nearby and Vj bought one for his part-time girlfriend.
Hoshino: It delicious!! But Vj, why don't you have one?
Vjboy: It's ok, I'm not hungry...
Hoshino: pleaseeeeee😙😙...
Vjboy: ....( How can I stand still in front of this cute face?)
Vjboy: Ok, as your wish...
While the part-time couple is having fun, on Momotalk...
(Group chat of the Foreclosure task Force)
Ayane: aware everyone, there's a group of criminals are breaking into the Kivotos centre, stay away from that place.
Nonomi: ??!!!
Serika: What's up, Nonomi?
Nonomi: Hoshino and Vj are hanging out at the Kivotos centre!!
Shiroko: ....?!!!!
Ayane: !! Oh, I forgot
Serika: What are we supposed to do? We can't leave them in danger.
Shiroko: We'll go on a rescue!
All members: ?!!!
Serika: wait, are you serious, Shiroko? That place is dangerous and I can't make sure we'll be safe there.
Ayane: ... Serika has a point,  Shiroko. I think the Justice task Force will take care of them, or the Perfect team. Though IDK if they have any responsibility to protect residents on that district...
Nonomi: I'll contact Hoshino, is Vj in this group?
Ayane: No, they're both offline at the moment...
Shiroko: That's it! Whatever you say, I'll go rescue them!
Serika: wait, Shiroko!
Ayane: She's... Offline..
Serika: She wanted to go alone?? What makes she worry so much?
Ayane: Make sense, one is the president of the Foreclosure task Force, another one is a member who has the most strategic brain in the task force, I'm sure they can protect themselves...
Nonomi: No, you guys are both wrong, Shiroko won't stop worrying if the problem related to that person.
Ayane and Serika: What? Who?
Nonomi: Her best friend...No, IDK if their relationship is more than friend, but I can make sure that she'll do everything to protect him...
Ayane and Serika:.... Him? Don't tell me...
Nonomi: Right, also.... Tomorrow is a very special day, she can't let anything happens to him.
Nonomi: I know what you guys are thinking, let's move, should we?
Ayane and Serika:....
Shiroko is rushing as fast as she can to Kivotos centre...
Shiroko: (Please, you have to be okay, Vj...)

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