Hoshino...my part-time girlfriend ❤

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Hoshino stops at an coffee shop near the entrance...
Vjboy: Hoshino? What are we doing here?
Hoshino: I need a cup of coffee to stay awake
Vjboy: ??? You drink coffee?
Hoshino: Yes, is it strange?
Vjboy: ....No, It's nothing, I'm just a little bit surprised that a teenage girl like you could drink coffee.
Hoshino:*laugh* hahaha, teenage? I'm old, you know?
Vjboy:..... (How can she call herself old? She's still a teenage girl who caught my eyes every time she puts her outdoor outfit on, so cute to become old)
Vj and Hoshino talk along the way they went through....
Suddenly Vj stops at a cycling equipment shop...
Hoshino: Vj? Why did you stop?
Vjboy: Um... I need to buy sth for tomorrow, forgive me but....
Vjboy:(We are here now, but I can't tell Hoshino that I wanna buy some gifts for Shiroko, she's gonna be super depressed)
Hoshino: Vj? What's wrong? ....
Hoshino: Looks like you have sth to say, just tell me. If that a problem, I'll help you. Don't worry...
Vjboy: Ok,  if you say so
They go to a dessert shop nearby....
Vjboy: Ok listen Hoshino, I called you out  because I wanna spend time with you, but there's another reason...
Hoshino: What's that?
Vjboy:(Cmon Vj, she'll understand, just be honest)
Vjboy: Actually, I went here also to buy a gift for tomorrow, it belongs to Shiroko...
Hoshino: You mean the Valentine's Day?
Vjboy: yep, of course
Hoshino: *laugh* Ahaha, Vj you're dumb, you still haven't understood what's the Valentine's Day really means huh?
Vjboy: What do you mean?
Hoshino:....let me be clear that Valentine's Day is the day when girls will show their love to the person who they have a crush on, and the one who have been asked must pay them back on a day called :"white Valentine's Day " on the 14 of March.
Vjboy: so that means....
Hoshino: You don't need to buy anything for her tomorrow, just make sure that if she give you her handmade Valentine's chocolate, you'll have to pay her back on the same day of March.
Vjboy: Ok, I got it, but...
Hoshino: hmm..? Is there anything you don't understand?
Vjboy: You sounds like a professional, and you're helping me though today is our date....
Hoshino:.... Um, it's ok, I've always been a supporter for someone in their love story  ...Don't mind me,
Vjboy:( So poor for her..., I have to do sth, at least she deserves a little bit love from somebody. I must do it, no one will notice, this is just for the sake of making her feel better, just tonight.)
Hoshino: Vj? You're staring at me again..
Vjboy: Oh, I'm sorry, I was just thinking about where we should we visit next..
Hoshino: Do you know how to play games? I know an arcade nearby, let's go!!
Vjboy: Wait, Hoshino!
Hoshino: hmm..?
Vjboy: Umm... This is kind of embarrassing, but I hope that we'll have a wonderful and memorable night together.
Hoshino: Vj.....Why a weird speech came out all of a sudden?
Vjboy: Um...just my real thoughts, tonight will be very meaningful to me and I don't want to see you blaming yourself anymore, so you can consider me as.....your boyfriend if you want, just tonight.
Hoshino:....*embarrassed* Um.. But if Shiroko sees this...
Vjboy: I know how to explain, if break your loneliness could make you feel better, so I'd rather do that.
Hoshino: ok, so can you... hold my hand?
Vjboy slowly takes Hoshino's hand
Hoshino: (It's a little bit cold, so that means he also feels lonely, too)
Hoshino: alright, it feels... good
Vjboy: just tonight, let's move, shall we?
Hoshino: Um... Ok. .
Hoshino:... My part-time boyfriend 💖
They head straight to the arcade, Hoshino still feel a little bit embarrassed while they are walking and everyone looking at them.
Vjboy: So we finally arrived!!
Hoshino: let me buy some coins so we can play.
After they got the coins...
Vjboy: Hoshino, do you wanna play some simulations first?
Hoshino: yes, of course, but what kind?
Vjboy: Dating simulator =)))
Hoshino:Vj.... Stop joking
Vjboy: ahaha, I'm just kidding.
Hoshino: I know a singing simulation, look!!, it's over there!
Vjboy: singing, huh?.... Ok, I like it
The part-time couple is chosing the song they would like to sing...
Hoshino: What song do you like to sing?
Vjboy: ( I wanna give her the experience as realistic as I can, so...)
Vjboy: I'm gonna go with "I like you so much, you'll know it", what do you think?
Hoshino: Um...ok, I know that song, too
Hoshino: *smile*We're a couple tonight, right? So I think it'll be okay =))
Vjboy: Yep, let's create the best duet you've ever heard!!

[Blue archive]Happy Valentine's Day, Shiroko 💖 Where stories live. Discover now