Darkest hour brings forth the greatest light!

Comenzar desde el principio

      The villain growls as he starts clawing at his neck. "A fucking delivery boy? What the fuck you gonna do delivery boy? My Nomu's and I just killed the #1 hero. What chance do you stand?!" I laugh at that. "Well handjob. I'll let you in on a secret. I'm stronger than Ass Might and All For One both." I say with a shit eating grin as handjob starts to laugh maniacally. "Hahahaha good one delivery boy. No one is stronger than sensei. Nobody." I laugh at that. "Oh really? Care to put that to the test then handjob or you gonna suck your master's dick some more?" I say with a smile. Handjob snarled at me before smiling "Nomu's kill this punk!" He yells as the birds start to rush me. "Dilly dally shilly shally. Guess you need help. Oh well let's try a little Bio!" I yell as I make a massive pool of toxic sludge shoot out of my hands and cover the birds. I watch as one begins to melt immediately while the other three seem to have regeneration quirks so its not as effective on them. "Hmm only one? Oh well. This might be fun." I say as I pull the massive Buster Sword off my back and slash at the three creatures. I manage to cut the right arm and leg off of one of them before tanking a punch to the face. "R-really? Just a jab? Did you not upload some combat skills in your pet projects?" I say smirking as I reach up and rip the arm off the beast as it roars in pain. "Oh what did birdbrain get a booboo? Hold on let me kiss it better!" I say as I charge a bladebeam attack and slash directly at the Nomu. The energy smashes into it disintegreting it, before it splits up to attack the other two Nomus and the mistman. As expected the Nomu's are unscathed but I scored a direct hit on the Mist dude. "Well how bout that handjob? Took out half your Nomus and your ride. Shall we keep going?" I say dodging the attacks of the Nomus at high speeds. "Grrr damn you delivery boy. How the fuck are you so strong!" He hisses as I smile. "You got it wrong handjob. I'm not strong right now. Only using 1% of my power. Ergo you and your birdies are just weak." I say as I unleash a firaga on one Nomu and start to slash the other to pieces. "True strength is earned by walking the path of blood and surviving. Just be glad I'm the opponent you face. Also killed another of your birdies." I laugh as the one I sliced up fails to regenerate.

     "Ragh what the fuck. You cheater there's no way you're this strong I'll fucking kill you!!!" He bellows as he rushes me to fight me two on one. "You fell for it by letting your emotions control you handjob. Don't worry I won't kill you but I will kill your pet remember these words manchild Don't ever underestimate me!!! Say goodnight and go to Sleep." I say casting a sleep spell on him. Before I grab the other Nomu and launch it skyward through the busted roof. I launch up and get right up against the Nomu. "I am sorry for the humans used to create you but I will end your suffering. Flare!!!" I yell as the sky fills with a massive fire and light blast. I sigh "Nezu you owe me big time for making me come out of hiding. I warned you I need to stay hidden from this world. Sigh. Oh well better heal the students and staff."

*Ochaco's POV*

   "Holy fuck! That guy just destroyed them all in a matter of minutes. Even captured the warp guy and the dude with hands all over him!" I hear Kirishima exclaim. "Y-yeah but....look at the results of today....All Might is dead. So are Mineta Bakugo and Aoyama.... We failed to protect everyone..." I say as I start to cry remembering my 10 months of hell with All Might and the responsibility of inheriting OFA. 'Some pathetic successor I turned out to be. I let you die and couldn't protect anyone. We needed that boys help to come out alive. I'm sorry All Might!' I yell in my mind as the tears fall while im holding Tsuyu. We hear footsteps approaching. "Ms. Uraraka thank you for getting your classmates and teachers to safety. Let me see the injured." I hear the calm strong voice of our mysterious savior as he kneels beside me. "O-okay Mr?" He smiles so bright. "Strife. Izuku Strife courier of Strife Delivery Services at your service. Now let me heal these guys up and then I need to talk with the rat."

      I'm stunned. 'This overpowered boy Izuku Strife is just a courier? How did he get so powerful? Why isn't he a hero?' He walks between the injured healing them just like he healed me. "Ahh. Young Strife. Thank you for coming....I am sorry I dragged you into this....but not even All Might stood a chance." I hear the principal say to Strife san. "Nezu I am glad to help but you know your ruined my picnic because of this? I warned you not to hire 'Him' but did you listen? No. Just had to hire that charlatan. Sigh. Sorry I did not mean to get angry. How are your staff and students? Other than All Might are any missing?" He asks making me wonder who he was so angry at Nezu for Hiring? I spoke next. "Strife san. We lost Minoru Mineta, Yuga Aoyama, and Katsuki Bakugo. They were killed right in front of us." I swear I saw him flinch when I said Bakugo's name. 'Weird' I thought as I hear Midnight sigh. "We really failed today Nezu. What do we do?" Nezu looks at Midnight grimly. "We wait for the police and emergency services to arrive first. We take care of the bodies of All Might, Minoru Mineta, Katsuki Bakugo, and Yuga Aoyama. Then we head back to campus to discuss this in private. I feel we should let school out for the day. Also young Strife. Would you join us at the school?" The boy sighs. "I was going to go pick up Eri and be with her. Can I grab her and bring her with us? Also you know this but the brunette must attend the discussion. She needs to know the truth of things." I froze as my spine shivered. The students and teachers looked around confused. Before Nezu and Recovery Girl spoke in unison "That's true. Ms Uraraka you will join us. For starters go with Strife. He will protect you as he does what he needs to do and then brings you to UA." All the teachers and students look at me as I start to feel dread fill my body. Suddenly a hand comfortingly rubs my back. "It is okay Ms Uraraka. I will get you there safely. We can discuss things on the way." Strife-san says with a soft smile. I look from him to the teachers and my classmates. Nezu smiles at me and nods. "Trust him young Uraraka. He may be your greatest ally." I nod as he and I slowly walk out of USJ.

Never underestimate me!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora