Chapter One: Prologue

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Once upon a time, in a faraway land, a young Princess lived in a shining castle, and although she had everything her heart desired, the Princess was spoiled, selfish, and unkind. Then, one night, an old beggar woman came to the castle and offered a simple silver mirror in return for shelter from the bitter cold. Repulsed by her haggard appearance, the Princess sneered at the gift and turned the old woman away. But she warned the Princess not to be deceived by appearances, for beauty is found within. And when the Princess dismissed her again, the old woman's ugliness melted away to reveal a beautiful Enchantress. The Princess tried to apologize but it was too late, for the Enchantress had seen that there was no love in her heart, and as punishment, she transformed the Princess into a hideous Beast and placed a powerful spell on the castle and all who lived there. Ashamed of her monstrous form the Beast concealed herself inside her castle, with the mirror as her only window to the outside world, for the mirror the Enchantress had offered was truly an enchanted mirror, which would crack until the Beast's twenty-first year. If she could learn to love another, and earn their love in return, before the mirror shattered, then the spell would be broken. If not, she would be doomed to remain a beast for all time. As the years passed, she fell into despair and lost all hope.

For who could ever learn to love a Beast...?

One would think that our story would begin somewhere in the gloomy castle mentioned above– After all, it sounds like the perfect fairy tale setting– but it really begins in an dilapidated mansion on a hill just outside of a little town

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One would think that our story would begin somewhere in the gloomy castle mentioned above– After all, it sounds like the perfect fairy tale setting– but it really begins in an dilapidated mansion on a hill just outside of a little town. A run-down building with cracked windows and vines creeping up the walls toward the roof, which had lost many shingles after years of neglect. This mansion may sound mysterious and exciting, but it couldn't be a sadder place if it tried. Inside, though equally as sad, was a very interesting man, indeed.

"Lance!" Edwin yelled, lifting the blanket on the bed and looking underneath with a huff. "Lance! Where– Agh! Down Bonnie, not now, girl." Edwin grimaced as the border collie licked his cheek excitedly, fighting off a smile.

"Coming, coming!" Lance shouted from downstairs, the sound of running feet coming up the steps.

"Did you find it? You know I can't leave until we find it." Edwin asked. Lance took a moment to catch his breath, pointing at the dog.

"I– I think– Isn't Bonnie wearing it?" Edwin's eyes widened as he turned, groaning as he noticed the black scarf tied around Bonnie's neck. How had he managed to miss that?

"Oh– Why in all hell is she–? Never mind, I don't want to know." While Lance explained that he and Bonnie had been "Playing pirates", Edwin tied the scarf around his head, covering his hair. Or, what should have been hair, at least. Instead, there were petals, red and velvety soft, growing from his scalp as though he were some sort of living flower. He'd had normal hair at one point, years ago, but he'd woken up one day with petals instead, and he'd been stuck with them ever since. Knowing full-well what happened to anyone society deemed a freak, he'd learned how to hide the petals by wrapping a scarf around his head, ensuring that no one would see his deformity. Sadly, there was nothing he could do to prevent himself from becoming outcasted by the town due to his "Strange way of dressing."

"Right then," Edwin said, placing a hat on his head. "I'll be back soon. Need anything from town?"

"A new book?" Lance asked hopefully. Edwin grinned.

"I'll look for one. Be good! No funny business, and if anyone comes to the door, don't answer." Lance quirked a brow.

"Who'd come? The only person who'd ever try to visit is Garcelle, and she's not interested in me."

Edwin wrinkled his nose at the mention of Garcelle, a woman in town who, quite frankly, was a little obsessed with Edwin. "I fear you may be right... Still, you're in charge while I'm gone! Don't let Bonnie eat my bedsheets again!" Lance waved Edwin off, the man setting out into the little town below.

It is at this point that our story truly begins...

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