Chapter 27: The Tumultuous Science Fair

Start from the beginning

"But you're more serious about this than I am." I sweatdropped. Haibara really loves science, doesn't she?


Vermouth POV

"We'll investigate for scientists to continue the Apotoxin project." I heard Rum tell the boss. I will probably get in trouble for wiretapping his phone, but that doesn't bother me, it's not my first time.

I snuffed out the cigarette in my hand. They're still continuing that devilish project?!


Kaiya POV

"And the 1st place award goes to... Kaiya Matsuki for her project on skin grafts and stem cells!" The announcer boomed.

"Thank you so much!" I went up to the stage and shook the announcer's hand. I can't believe it! I would have never imagined I could participate in a science fair in this world, much less win a prize.

"You did so well!" Ran, Sonoko, and Masumi high fived me.

"Your projects were pretty unique as well!" I complimented them. Ran and Masumi's projects were about kinesthetics and Sonoko's was about various types of fabrics.

"We should celebrate by going out for a nice dinner!" Sonoko exclaimed. "The Suzuki name will get us reservations anywhere!" she declared.

"You guys, go first and I'll see you later tonight okay?" I told them.

As I packed up my belongings, an elderly man with an eyepatch and a business suit, hobbled past me with a walking cane. I've seen him multiple times... he seemed interested in my project and asked me some questions about it... I wonder why?

I covered my ears as the fire alarm in the building started to blare. The students panicked and ran towards the exit. I glanced around. Why did fire alarm go off when there was no fire? Someone must have set off the fire alarm on purpose.

"Be careful, sir!" I helped the old man up when he was knocked over by the crowd. I handed him back his cane and we walked towards the exit.

"Thank you miss, it's very kind of you." the man said.

"I am Kaiya Matsuki. It is nice to meet you." I introduced myself.

"Perhaps this is an inappropriate time but I would like to give you my business card." The man said.

"I would love this opportunity sir. May I ask about the research your company does?" I accepted his business card.

"Unfortunately, those details are classified. You will be given more details if you accept the internship offer." He told me before leaving.

Who is that man?

As I started my motorcycle, my eyes widened when I caught a glimpse of platinum blonde hair on the road. Was that Vermouth speeding beside me on a motorcycle? What was she doing here?


"Akai-san!" I called as I went home. "Look at this business card!" I went to the living room to see Shuichi and the Kudos deep in conversation. "Oh sorry for the interruption. I didn't realize everyone was here." I apologized.

"It's alright we were just finishing up. What business card did you want to show me?" Shuichi asked.

"Well an elderly man approached me offering me an internship. But his business card only has the word K printed in black flowery font." I showed them the card.

The three exchanged worried glances.

"This is no ordinary symbol." Yusaku said with a solemn expression. "The K is the trademark symbol of the Karasuna holdings."

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