✫彡All mine~!ミ★ Cater☁️/🍊

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Requested by - No one

Type - Fluff☁️/Orange🍊


(Y/n) (L/n) is known to be the sexiest one of them all, henceforth her
being a player, and kinda sadistic...

That a side, she was the only person to make Cater's smile falter when
she was with other people, why? Because (y/n) and Cater were secretly dating, yeah, maybe Cater was jealous of everyone who got her attention.

"Baaaaaaaaabeeeeeeeee.......I'm boooooooooreeeeeeeeeeddddddd" Cater says pouting, he was kinda clingy today, he was also hugging (y/n).
They were sitting on a couch, (y/n) was sipping on some tea while Carter was being needy and clingy.

"Love, if you keep hugging and calling me babe, then everyone might
start catching on to us" (y/n) says sipping on her tea. "I don't care anymore" Cater says, kissing (y/n) all over her face. Making
(y/n) blush deeply.

(Y/n) started humming quietly, she started to lose herself and put her tea
down on the table.
She pinned him on the couch and she started to kiss him passionately,
she easily slipped her tongue in his mouth making him moan into the

After a few moments of them kissing passionately they hear a camera
flash and a few snickers and angry noises. We then part a string of saliva were formed when we parted panting, we looked over to see Ace, Deuce, Riddle, and Trey staring at us. Y/n got up blushing a bit in embarrassment.

"NOW YOU KNOW THAT SHE'S MINE!!!!" Cater yells, pulling her closer.
"Mine I say....Mine~" he mumbles wrapping his arms around y/n


Word count - 274

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