✫彡Small crushesミ★Idia🍊

853 31 2

Requested by - kris_kirby

Type - Orange🍊


You walked to your dance class, you loved dancing. And it just so happened that Crowley thought it would be wonderful if there was a dance club at NRC, so he permitted you to open up a dance club that you run alone.
Anyone could watch dance practice, as long as they don't disturb the members' performance.


A voice behind you, It was 'Ortho Shroud' Idia Shroud's little brother. You smiled and waited for him.

"Hello, Ortho! Do you need anything?"

"I was wondering if I could join your club."

You thought about it, and looked at his pleading eyes. As you let out a sigh, you agreed to let him in the club. But he needs permission/ to inform the dorm leader. To which he happily agreed too.
You handed him the papers of permission, and the due date was by the end of the week.

A few days later


You went to the Ignihyde dorm to collect the papers you needed from Ortho.
But you ran into him in the hallway of Ignihyde dorm's main room. You had caught him as he was about to leave.

"Hii, Y/N! Whatcha doing over at Ignihyde?"

"Hello, Ortho! I just came for the permission papers."

In saying that Ortho gave you a somewhat disappointed look. He then proceeds to tell you that he doesn't have the paper, because Idia certainly has it. Plus he couldn't get it himself because he has a meeting with Crowley!
You could admit that this was somewhat an inconvenience, but you then offered to let him go to the meeting, while you personally collect the page from Idia. His normal happy mood was back, Pointing to the direction Idia's room is, Soon heading out.

And when you made it to his room door, You took a deep breath before attempting knocking. But before you knuckle could tap the door, it Opened!

A tall young man with pale skin and bright blue, fire-like hair. He had yellow eyes, blue lips, and a dark blue coloring around and under his eyes.
This was Idia shroud!

You both just locked eyes for less then a second before he shut the door I. Your face.

"W- what do you want-t!"

He sounded frightened, and shy.

"Uh, Hi My name is-"

"I know your N-name.."

"Oh! Well I guess we can skip introducing each other then, Well I just came here for Ortho's Permission paper!"

A moment of silence fell upon the two, the silence was so loud.
But soon the door slowly opened revealing half of his face. You could see a dusting of pink on his face, maybe from shyness, or maybe embarrassment? Who knows, but he then opened the door slightly more, just enough to make it seem like he was telling you to come in.

You stepped in, closing the door behind you. He sat on the gamer chair that was in front of a few monitors. His room looked like something out of an anime convention! Manga's, figure's, posters! It was almost like he had it all.

"C-could you please not stare.."
He muttered under his breath.

"Ah! I'm sorry, I just really like the vibe your room gives off! I didn't mean any offense by my staring!"

⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾ ⋆⁺₊⋆ ☁︎Twisted oneshots⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾ ⋆⁺₊⋆ ☁︎ (Requests : Open)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum