Chapter 4: Drama Queen

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Chapter 5 1/2: Drama Queen: Meeting her
(I'll explain later)

I was just putting some stuff in my locket until I heard the whole hallway gasp and that got me curious.

"It's them!" "I thought they're still in Paris" "They said that they won't come back!"

Gossip flowed the hallway.

Elsa and Anna, who were with me, have worried eyes. I faced them and asked "Guys, what's going on?"

Then I heard clinging of high heels getting louder in every cling.

I slowly turned around and saw a girl with dark brown long hair that reached her waist, wearing a red colored dress with a white belt and her dress reached her thighs, she's wearing 5 inch red colored shoes and she has a lot of make up in her face.

Everyone in the hall got quiet as they watch her approaching us... Wait, us?

She gave us, I mean Anna, Elsa and I, a devilish smirk form in her red thick lips "Hello Elsa, Anna" she greeted and they both gave her a glare. Then she looked at me "And who are you?" She asked

"My name is-" before I continue she cut me by putting her finger which her nails are polished red, in my lips.

"There's no need an introduction. Let me guess, you're the Hofferson girl, Astrid Hofferson perhaps" she explained. My eyes widen.

How the heck she knew my name??

"How did you know?" I asked her "I have my ways. I'm their queen after all"

What the heck? Queen?

"Drama Queen to exact" Anna cursed.
The queen glared at her.

"Anyways, since you're a new student, you're probably wondering who am I huh?" She asked. I didn't say anything.

"Well my name is Monica Harrison, the school's queen" she introduced herself

"Like I would care" I cursed. Her eyes widened "What did you say?" She asked with a bit anger in it. I looked at her with my anger look (lol )

Now everybody is watching us.

"Look Monica, who asked you what's your name and why are you even bothering us?" I asked with anger "Now I want you to leave us alone, cause I don't want any drama in here"

Her eyes are now filled with hatred and anger.

"Who told you to command the queen?!" She exclaimed "Since when did you became my queen?" I asked "That would be the whole school of course" she answered.

So dumb

"Oh really? I guess you just proclaimed yourself the queen, wait let me add that, the drama queen perhaps?" I joked. Her face got red, redder than Merida's hair.

"Watch it Hofferson" she warned "No you watch out" I warned her "What are you gonna do to me anyway?"

Okay, stupid question. I know she's gonna punch me, but I always blocked punches

"That's the last draw!" She exclaimed as she was about to punch me.

But I was saved by the bell.

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