Love Like This (Kazuma Asogi x Reader x Ryuunosuke Naruhodo)

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Love Like This (Kazuma Asogi x Reader x Ryuunosuke Naruhodo)

A/N: This contains a poly relationship! After both games events and where Ryuu decided to stay in Britain. Reader has known both of them since childhood.

Your Pov:

I walked down the street, trying to avoid the harsh whispers and glares. Since the truth of the professor killings came out weeks ago, things were hectic. Kazuma and Ryuu were also struggling through this.

I stepped into the nearby women's clothing store to pick up something for Iris. I approached the counter and the woman gave me a look of disgust. "We don't sell to filthy Japs like you." I took a breath and composed myself. "I'm picking up an order for Iris Wilson."

The woman huffed and turned to a shelf, pulling a bag from it. "Here. Now get out of my store." I took the bag and quickly left the building. I headed back the way I came. As I came up the sidewalk, some men stumbled out of the bar in front of me. I kept my head down to keep attention away from me.

Unfortunately, one of the men bumped into me, making me drop the bag. I bent down and picked it up. The man grabbed my arm with a tight grip. "Watch where you're going you dirty Nip!" I tried to pull my arm away, but his grip tightened.

The man spoke again. "We should teach her a lesson. Those Jap dogs ruined everything!" The men around him cheered. Everyone on the street was turning a blind eye. I barely had time to react before the man's fist collided with my face. My head snapped to the side.

Before his next attack, I was able to escape. I hurried down the sidewalk, wincing at the pain in my cheek. I made it back to the flat and went inside. I tensed as I saw Ryuu and Kazuma having tea with Iris. I covered the bruise with my hand and put the bag on the table. "Here you go, Iris."

She smiled. "Thank you, (N/n)! Oh!" She tilted her head. "What happened to your cheek?!" Now Ryuu and Kazuma were staring at me. I looked at Iris. "It's nothing. I'm just clumsy." Before anyone could speak, I hurried upstairs to the attic.

I poured some hot water from the kettle into a bowl and dipped a rag into it. I sat by the window as I dabbed at my cheek. There was a cut across the bruise and it was bleeding. The man must've been wearing a ring. Just then, a voice reached my ears. "What happened?!" I looked up, seeing Kazuma and Ryuu.

I covered the bruise with the rag. "It's nothing. Don't worry about me." Ryuu shook his head. "You're bleeding..." Kazuma kneeled in front of me, taking the cloth from my hands. He gasped. Then, he turned to Ryuu. "Go get me the first aid supplies." Ryuu immediately turned and left the room.

Kazuma looked at me, his eyes both concerned and angry. "What happened? Who did this!?" I looked away, wincing as he dabbed away the blood. "I went to pick up a clothing order for Iris. When I was on my way back, a drunk man bumped into me and got angry at me. He...he hit me."

My sleeve slid down as I moved my arm, showing another bruise. Kazuma looked at the bruise. "Did he do that too?" I nodded. "Yes." Ryuu entered the room with the supplies and Kazuma took them from him. As Kazuma patched me up, Ryuu spoke. "So what happened?!"

Kazuma growled. "Some drunk bastard hit her, Ryuunosuke! And I'm going to kill him!" Ryuu put a hand on his shoulder. "Kazuma, calm down. I know you're mad. I am too, but if you harm whoever this man is, it might end badly." Kazuma carefully applied a bandaid to my face before turning to look at Ryuu. "I'm still going to find him. Are you coming or not?"

Ryuu took a deep breath. "Alright. I'll go with you." Kazuma looked at me. "I'm sorry I wasn't there to protect you." I shook my head. "It's alright, Kazuma. I'm fine." He gently grabbed my hand. "I need you to come with us so you can tell me who he is." I squeezed his hand. "Ok..."


Later that day, the three of us went back to the bar where I had last seen the man. Surprisingly, the man and his friends were still standing outside, drinking even more. As we approached, the man noticed us. "Would you look at that, boys? The dirty Jap's back for more! And she brought some filthy Nip dogs with her!"

The man went to grab me, but Kazuma was quick to block him. "Don't. Touch. Her." The man laughed. "And what are you going to do about it? Jap." They quickly fell silent as Kazuma drew Karuma from its sheath. He swung the blade, it's edge breaking the man's beer mug. The glass hit the ground.

By then, the man's friends had run off, leaving him alone. Kazuma pointed the edge of the blade at the man's throat. "You're lucky she's here or I'd gut you from top to bottom." The man started to shake. Ryuu spoke to the man. "Apologize."

The man stuttered over his words. "I-I'm s-sorry!" Kazuma shook his head, gesturing in my direction. "Apologize to her. Not us." As the man faced me, Kazuma swiped at the man's feet with the blade, making the man fall to his knees in front of me. The man bowed his head. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry!"

I nodded to Kazuma and he nudged the man harshly. "Now get out of here. Run away with your tail between your legs like the ill-bred dog you are!" The man stumbled to his feet and quickly ran away. Once he was out of sight, I looked at Kazuma. "You didn't have to be so harsh, but thank you."

Kazuma kissed my forehead. "It's my job to protect you, my love." He looked at Ryuu. "And Ryuunosuke's all bark, so I have to be the bite." Ryuu pouted. "Hey!"

After that, we headed back to the flat. I cuddled with the two on the sofa, relishing in their warmth. The bruises were pushed to the back of my mind, the pain not even registering.

I spoke. "I love you both, so much." Kazuma's grip tightened on me. "I love you too." Ryuu blushed bashfully. "I love you guys too." I leaned up, giving both of them a kiss. I rested my head back on Kazuma's chest, watching the flames dance in the fireplace.

I was so distracted by my thoughts that I didn't notice a certain little girl snapping a photo of us.

A photo I would treasure forever.

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