Lying (Lamiror x Singer! Reader)

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Lying (Lamiror x Singer! Reader)

A/N: This is kind of like an alternative telling of Turnabout Serenade.

Your Pov:

I sighed as I sat in the dressing room with Lamiror. Mr. LeTouse was dead and Machi had been arrested. But that's not what we were worried about. Once the room was empty, I turned to her.

"🕈☟✌❄ 👎⚐ 🕈☜ 👎⚐✍ ✋☞ ❄☟☜✡ ☞✋☠👎 ⚐🕆❄📬📬📬 (What do we do? If they find out...)"

Right now, speaking in English would be a mistake, so Borginese was the only safe option.

She shook her head. "❄☟☜✡ 🕈⚐☠🕯❄📬 ✋ 🏱☼⚐💣✋💧☜📬 (They won't. I promise.)"

We both knew that if anything were to get out, there'd be trouble. I sighed, switching to English. "I'm going for a walk. I'll be back." Lamiror didn't answer, but I didn't care.

I walked into the hall and the out the door that led to the back of the colosseum. The door closed and I walked a few more feet before leaning against the wall. I stopped under a light and waited. A few minutes later, I heard footsteps. I looked up. "Daryan." He spoke. "Eulalie."

Of course, Eulalie was not my real name, but a stage name. I wouldn't trust him with that. He continued. "You and Lamiror, you can't go back to Borginia. Right?" I nodded. "Yes. It's death if we do." He smirked. "Good. Then that means that neither of you can afford to talk and rat me out." He took a final drag of his cigarette before putting it out. "You should get inside before the cold freezes your throat up. I'd hate to see your voice ruined. Ha!"

He turned and walked back inside. Lamiror and I had gotten involved with him after Lamiror found out about my vocal cords. They were slowly becoming paralyzed. She knew that I'd lose my voice and so, we, with the help of Daryan, smuggled cocoons out of Borginia. Machi found out but agreed to take the fall if it came to that.

But now, with the death of Mr. LeTouse, things were spiraling out of control. Lamiror did not know who killed him, but I did. But we were bound because of the now destroyed cocoons.


And now, we found ourselves interpreting for Machi as Daryan stood at the stand. He was effectively backed into a corner and he couldn't out us as his smuggler accomplices without outing himself. But like we had thought, the blame had fallen onto Machi. He took the fall though.

I remembered Daryan giving Lamiror the remote switch. And I knew that when she was moving through the air vent, she pushed it. But there was no reason to destroy the cocoons. After all, Mr. LeTouse died right after Daryan told Lamiror to burn them. No one would have known about the cocoons if they were removed from the guitar after or if the guitar was removed from the scene altogether.

But they were destroyed out of fear.

Fear of being caught and exposed.


Daryan's gaze flickered back and forth from Machi to Lamiror and I.

"Please don't taaaaaaalk!"

The whole courtroom fell silent. In saying that, he had inadvertently confessed. We could only watch as he was taken away.

Machi would only be put on trial here for smuggling. He gladly took the fall for us. But we would miss him greatly.

And as we stood in the court lobby, we all spoke one last time. I smiled at Machi. "Thank you, Machi. And don't worry about me. Even if I lose my voice, I'll be alright." Lamiror nodded. "We will all be fine. And we'll visit Machi. Goodbye..."

And just like that...

The landscape painter in sound and her nightingale escaped the harsh grip of the law.

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