Fated To Be (Barok Van Zieks x Susato's Sister! Reader)

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Fated To Be (Barok Van Zieks x Susato's Sister! Reader)

A/N: Reader is Susato's fraternal twin sister in this. Takes place after everything.

Your Pov:

I followed after Susato as we went to father's study. A telegram had been received from Britain and he was eager to share some news with us. As we got to the door, Susato knocked. Father's voice greeted us. "Come in." We entered the room and I shut the door. Father smiled at us. "Ah, right on time. I have some news." We stood in front of his desk. Susato tilted her head. "What is this news father?"

He placed the telegram on his desk. "To strengthen diplomatic relations between Japan and Britain, they are seeking a diplomatic marriage. (Y/n), you have been chosen to represent us!" I froze. "M-Me? But why?" Father looked at the telegram. "The representative for Britain chose you himself." I rose a brow. "And just who is the representative for Britain?"

Father hummed. "Britain has chosen Barok Van Zieks to be their representative. The two of you are to marry in two months time, so we will be leaving in tonight. Please pack." I huffed. "But I don't even know him, father! And marriage?!" Father held his hand up. "It's for our country. I wouldn't have you do this otherwise, my dear."

Susato spoke up. "And he's so old for her, father. 33 years old." Father shook his head. "She will be well cared for, Susato. You've met him before and you know he's a good man. He will take care of your sister." Susato frowned. "Father..." I bowed my head. "I will go pack my things. Please excuse me..."

I quickly left the study and went to my room. I quietly started to pack. I knew that once I left Japan, I would never return. I had read that the men of the British Empire treated their wives poorly, often treating them like their choices didn't matter. I knew that Kazuma was still in Britain, but my soon to be 'husband' would probably forbid me from speaking with him. Outside my room, I could hear Susato talking with Ryuunosuke.

Once I was finished packing, I went out to speak with them. Ryuu spoke. "I heard about what happened, but don't worry. Lord Van Zieks will keep you in comfort, I'm sure." I nodded. "I hope so." After that, Father, Susato, and I left for the harbor.


It had been a while since then and we were a day away from Britain. Susato was helping me get ready for tomorrow. She looked at me. "You're so strong, (Y/n). You can do this." I took a deep breath. "I know..." I had brought out my finest wears as father had suggested, but Susato did my hair and makeup. Tomorrow...everything would change.

And I was right. The next morning, I stood the cabin, putting the finishing touches on my outfit. Susato looked at me. "I...I think you're ready. Kazuma-Sama is waiting." Kazuma was supposed to take me from the harbor to Lord Van Zieks while my father and sister checked into the hotel. I turned towards the door of the cabin. "Let's go."


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