14-Home for the Holidays

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//Three things.

First, the above is Yndethel and Gnella's cannon heights.

Second, I have never tried Yndethel's Ladder, because I've never gotten the chance to eat a nice lady out before *sad virgin noises.* If you have used the ladder, or ever do so in the future, please comment on how successful or unsuccessful it was.

Third, content warnings, pegging, bondage, accidental voyeurism, and a short foot job. She wears fuzzy socks for it, but it's still a foot job.


It was December, and they were in the northern provinces, so obviously snow would be a problem. Especially for Gnella, who had grown up in the south lands, and had no idea how to drive in the snow. Luckily, Yndethel had spent most of his life up here and knew how to handle their car when driving in it.

"Are you going to be alright?" he asked his wife. She was unhappy, and he knew it.

"I'll be fine," she lied. She would not be fine. Every other year she had to put up with them, but she was more than happy to for her darling husband.

Yndethel turned his attention to the road. She was lying, he could tell. He didn't know why they hated her, but they did. And they demanded he come over for Christmas every other year at least, and he had to bring her because neither could bear to spend the holiday apart.

Gnella and his parents did not get along well.

'Why do they hate her,' he thought to himself, 'she's the coolest person in the world. Plus she's smart and beautiful and caring, what in the realms is there to hate about her?'

Gnella knew exactly why they hated her. She was a goblin, their son was an elf, and his elven supremacist parents were very against race mixing. When her parents found out she didn't want kids, they were disappointed but supportive. When his parents found out she didn't want kids, they seemed relieved.

Yndethel drove up to his parents' house, and parked the car while Gnella texted her sister. He then quickly got out and rushed to the other side of the car to open her door before she had a chance to. She put down her phone, unstrapped her seatbelt, and giggled like a child as he opened it for her and scooped her up bridal style.

He carried her up to the front porch and rang the doorbell. The slits of Gnella's cat's eyes narrowed as Yndethel's mother opened the door. His mother looked back at her, and they glared at each other. The glare said "I hate your guts, but we're all going to be polite here because as much as we loathe each other we both love Yndethel."

His mother broke her gaze and smiled at her son. "Hey come on in, so nice to see you!"

"It's nice to see you to mom," he replied.


Gnella was a college professor, and so her winter break started after the end of the fall semester. She just had to grade her student's final papers before the 21st and she would be free. Despite her deep need for rest, she had knuckled down and graded them as soon as possible to extend her winter break.

Yndethel was an freelance illustrator, so he could take breaks as he saw fit.

And so, on the 20th of December, the two had arrived at Yndethel's parents place to spend the week. They alternated between his parents and her parents every year, and everywhere year, Gnella found his parents more and more insufferable.

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