10-The Show

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//content warning, pegging, exhibitionism, humiliation, and pee stuff. Also, sorry for uploading so late at night (or so early in the morning thanks to time zone shenanigans.) I took a nap today, and it took longer than it should have. 🤦‍♀️//

   Polymnia watched her new pet walk amongst the rest of the Court of the Spring Leaf. His name was Jack, a simple name for a simple man. His very dark skin and wide nose marked him as human from some far exotic location she knew nothing of. Or at least, his ancestors came from there.

   The fey courts held far more sway in the northern regions of the globe.

   She smiled knowing exactly what was about to happen, and so did her guests. She had invited all the noblewomen from across the court and had told them there would be a show, and what a show it would be!

   When she had first acquired her pet last week, it had been a simple deal. She would give him room and board, a few things he wanted so long as he said please, and she would let him return to the mortal world for a short time every new moon to see friends and family. And in return for these, he would do any task she asked, and his body would be hers to play with whenever she wanted.

   The modern human world was so tied up in its economy that both were suffering terribly, so a chance to have a job that was sure to cover one's one necessities was too good to miss. On top of that, he was obviously a submissive, and few submissive men would pass up the chance to have a beautiful sugar-momma. Well, the gay ones certainly would pass it up, but she wasn't sexually interested in them.

   Polymnia watched and waited. The satyr had told her guests she would take her new pet in front of them without restraint. She had not told them which of the food servers was her new pet however.

   Jack was in on it to, she had gotten his permission to use and abuse him in front of a crowd before she even invited anyone. She could be cruel, but she wasn't vile. She had gone over the things she was willing to do to him, and he had told her which one's he really liked. She then told him that she would do a few of those things, but left him guessing as to which ones.

   All she had to do now, was wait for the right moment. She sat with her hooved legs crossed, and watched her guests try to guess which one of the servers was to be the object of their voyeurism.

   Jack walked around in his simple tunic and harem pants with wide slits down the sides. Well, perhaps tunic is the wrong word. It was a rectangle piece of fabric, about as wide as his waist, with a hole in the center. His head went through the hole, and a piece of rope tied it to his waist. It tapered from there, and became half as thin as it dangled in the front and back, all the way down to his calves. All the other servant boys were dressed the same, but he was the only one she was watching.

   Eventually she got tired of waiting.  If the right moment doesn't come fast enough, you make it happen for yourself. She stood up in her floral dress, and walked horns first towards her chosen prey.

   Jack was busy replacing a guest's wine glass, when he felt two hands grab the waistband of his pants. He wasn't wearing anything under them, as per his owner's orders, and he didn't want anyone but her pulling them down. He tried to move, but, too late, they were around his ankles, the front and back flaps of his tunic were now all that protected his decency.

   He turned around quickly to determine the culprit. He had been cat-called by numerous guest's all evening, and many of them seemed willing to pants him if the got the chance.

   He looked into the eyes of Polymnia, and felt himself start to get hard. The show was about to begin, it would seem. As paradoxical as it was, he wanted it. He well and truly wanted it, but only because he didn't want it, if that makes any sense. It woul be sexually humiliating and embarrassing, but he wanted to be sexually humiliated and embarrassed. To be taken right here, to be treated as a toy, to be shown off like a prized pet.

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