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Chapter eighteenIs it real?

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Chapter eighteen
Is it real?

29 January 2014

It was now 14:50 and Aurora and Shiesty were walking back to his house.

"Look who's back."Booka said looking at the two as they sat on the porch.

"RorRor."Durk said smiling.

"Durki."she said running up to him.

"You had fun?"he asked hugging her.

"Mhm,I-i meet friends and I an-answer questions,and I eat and m-make people laugh,they-they like me."she rushed out excitedly as she had a huge smile on her face.

"That's great Ror."He said patting her head as they sat down.

"You wanna go again tomorrow?" Shiesty asked sitting down on the other side of her as she was next to Durk.

"Mhm."she hummed nodding her head.

"Y'all niggas ain't move?"he asked the boys.

"We did nigga,it's just comfortable to be out here,you know this our spot." Taymar said.

"Wassup."A group greeted walking up to them.

"Wassgud."the boys greeted dapping them up.

"Who this?"a male asked as they sat down.

"Aurora,she off limits."Durk said seriously.

"Damn everybody and they mama just popping up today."Muwop said seeing the girls coming too.

"Heyy guys."they greeted.

"Hii Aurora."India greeted going to hug her.

"Hi."Aurora softly greeted hugging her while still sitting.

"Hey,I missed you."Asian said hugging her as well.

Aurora just nodded and smiled.

"Not her again."Cardi said rolling her eyes.

"Watch yo fucking mouth."Durk said harshly as he pointed at her.

"You forgot your medicine."Amor said handing the bag to her.

"I didn't n-need it."Aurora mumbled taking it.

"I hear you stuttering less Rori."Durk said looking at her.

"Rori?"she questioned.

"Yeah,Imma call you that cause nobody else call you it."he said making her smile.

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