His touch was like taser. It made my heart stop.

"You can't go into the woods. It's too late, and against the rules."

"They're gonna get away," I complained, watching the figure fade, until it vanished. "Dammit, Ajax!"

He let me go, allowing me to face him.

"The hell, Ajax?"

Looking at him with fury in my eyes, I saw the worry in his. "If you ran after that guy-"

"He ran for a reason," I argued. "He was stalking, Ajax. That's why he ran."

He looked up, over head into the woods, before down at my eyes again. "I'm not gonna let you go, Evie. It's too dangerous."

I groaned, turning around to look into the darkening woods. He was long gone. It'd be useless to run after him now.

When I turned around, Ajax was a step closer. "I think we should get back to the school, now," he pointed out, his eyes still lingering deeper into the woods. "I don't like being out here so long."

His eyes looked down into mine again.

"Why did you follow me if you'd stop me anyways?" I asked.

He frowned softly. "Because you ran into the woods..."

For a few seconds I looked into his eyes with uncertainty, but then walked right passed him, breaking the eye contact.

Ajax dug his hands into his pockets and followed me as I made my way to the corridors. I felt something on my lips, which was quite irritating. Just when I slid my finger over my bottom lip, Bianca appeared around the corner, her freaky blue eyes immediately widening as she looked between me and Ajax.

"You're out late," she pointed out.

Self-elected Queen B. I think that's what Wednesday used to describe her. A siren. Wanna be top at everything. Yet, Wednesday and Enid beat her at some rowing competition game thingy. 

"So are you," I pointed back. "We were just getting some fresh air, that's all."

"I see that," she said, looking from me to Ajax. 

He cleared his throat, stepping beside me. "Bianca, this is Evie."

"Eve," I corrected.

"Everlyn," she said, a creepy smile filling her lips. "I've heard of you. Odd timing to enter Nevermore, don't you think?"

Ajax scoffed beside me, sending her eyes to look up at him. 

"You missed the meeting, Ajax. Don't suppose it's because of her?" she said, her eyes glaring down at me. 

"She sounds more pathetic than the stories I am told of her. God, she doesn't even look as pretty. Quite the exact opposite." -Bianca

"Don't suppose you hate me, because I can actually grow hair?" I bit, sending her blue eyes to widen. "It's odd thinking a self-elected Queen B could be so rude behind that necklace of hers. Yet, I have to say: I'm happy to hear that you've heard of me, considering I've barely been here for a month. Might I ask who is so interested in me that my name came up in your conversation?"

She looked at me with shock. "What the hell gives her the right to-"

"I give myself the right, since you cannot keep your thoughts to yourself."

"My thoughts? You damn telepath. Get out of my head. I swear-"

"I can't get out of your head, unfortunately. Now if you don't mind, I want to get to bed."

I walked past her, with Ajax following after me. I noticed Bianca follow us with her eyes, and she didn't look quite satisfied at all. 

"What meeting?" I asked, looking up at Ajax. 

"Oh, nothing important. Just some silly club thing." He gave a stupid, uncertain smile, as if he was guilty. I hated the fact that I couldn't tell for sure. "You probably know I'm lying, don't you?" he questioned, rubbing the back of his neck. 

I stopped in my tracks. "I don't know. I cannot read beyond your facial expressions."

He frowned, digging his hands into his pockets again. "What?"

"It's like your mind is blocking me out. I cannot read your thoughts," I explained.

He shook his head lightly in confusion. "Well, that seems weird in my opinion. I mean, could it be a gorgon thing or-"

"No," I said, shaking my head. "I can read Tracy's mind, but yours is a mystery. I have been going through books in the library in the past couple of weeks, but I cannot find a reason for this. Telepaths are not really a known topic, you know?"

From the looks of his facial expression, I could tell that he was surprised. I sighed, turning around, only to be surprised by Xavier who came walking our way. What he stepped beside us, it sounded like he was panting, as if he was running. 

"Yo, man. You good?" Ajax asked with a light frown.

Xavier nodded. "Just ran my ass off, but yeah, I'm fine dude." -Xavier

"You went running?" I questioned, tilting my head lightly. 

"Not voluntary," he panted.

I looked at Ajax, who looked at Xavier. "Were you being chased?"

Xavier looked at me again. "Yeah, why?"

"The hell chased you?" Ajax asked, grabbing Xavier's shoulder. "The monster? A teacher? Were you out smoking again?"

Xavier chuckled, and by the sound of it, he had his breath back. "No. I was at my warehouse, and when I left, someone started chasing me."

"I'm leaving," I said, walking right past them. 


"I'm on school grounds, Ajax. I'll be fine," I called after me, before tripling up a staircase. 

What bugged me was the fact that Xavier lied. He was in the woods, not at some warehouse. He was running, but nothing was following him; or I didn't see something following him. 

Xavier had a picture mind, unlike many other people at Nevermore. His mind wasn't much words, but mostly like a video.

"Where were you?" Enid burst as I entered the dorm. "We were worried sick!"

"We?" I questioned.

She sighed. "Fine, only me. But seriously, where have you been?"

"Behind the greenhouse," I admitted, dropping onto my bed.

"You know that's where many kids go to hook up, right?" 

"I know," I sighed. "But there weren't any there.  It was only me and Ajax and-"

"Ajax?" she asked in shock. "You mean as in the gorgon? I'm surprised he's social."

I rolled over. "I got it, Enid. Can we go to bed now?" I begged.

I knew she was smiling when she stood up. "Of course. Enjoy wonderland, lover girl."

Groaning softly, I faded further into my sheets. Wednesday was observing, yet her mind racing with her novel. I wasn't in the mood for that noise. So, I pulled my headphones onto my ears and nuzzled my face into my pillow.

Peace and quiet.

"My Evie..." {A.P.}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora