The Snow Globe Clause

Start from the beginning

"Do not hand it to him!" Bernard pushed Curtis's grabby hands away. "It's not his, and it's very important that you keep that safe! You don't let anyone touch that."

"Okay please explain, I am so lost." I sat down in one of the many dining chairs in a slightly annoyed huff.

"Look, every Santa in all time has had a snow globe." Bernard began.

"A... snow globe." I stared at him with a blank face. "I mean they're wintery I guess, I'm not surprised."

"No-" If he had a rolled-up newspaper I felt as if he'd hit me on the head with it. "These snow globes hold a lot of power, and within them, they hold the magic of that particular Santa himself."

I glanced at Curtis as this was still not making any sense to me, but Curtis just beamed at me with the biggest grin.

"These snow globes can be used for a few different things. They can be used as a point of communication, Santa can use his snow globe to contact or view any of us elves at the workshop, or vice versa. A Santa can also "escape" being Santa if they hold the globe in their hands and wish for their regular life back. What this does, is that it exports the magic from the snow globe back into the natural environment. That Santa, hence looses his powers and all things that were magically affected from before that point. Finally, if a snow globe is gifted from Santa to child, there's a very slim chance that the child may fall subject to a certain clause." Bernard sat down across the table from me.

"What is with this place and all the clauses?" I set the snow globe at the table as I continued to try to understand all of this nonsense.

"It, understandably, is called the Snow Globe Clause." Bernard was much calmer explaining this to me than he was with my dad. I had the feeling that he didn't give this talk as much, as a hint of worry seemed to be hiding behind his still face. "If a human falls subject to the Snow Globe Clause, they become "chosen". He paused and looked at me with a serious face he looked like he wanted to add something after "chosen", but stopped himself. "Angie...el, you were one of the chosen."

"The chosen?" I repeated, still very confused, ignoring his butchering of my name again. It all sounded so "trying hard to be mysterious".

"The Snow Globe Clause works in opposite of how giving up Santahood does-" Curtis tried to butt in, obviously wanting to be part of explaining all of this. "I-" He sighed. "Okay sorry-"

Bernard cleared his throat. "Shall I go on?" He gave Curtis another cold look and then continued. "So, as I mentioned, when a Santa rejects being Santa, his magic is expelled from his snow globe. Likewise, if a Santa snow globe is given to someone, there is a very slim chance that they may inherit the magic of said snow globe. Most of the time it will stay contained inside the globe since humans generally don't believe in magic. For the magic to work, the person has to full heartedly believe in magic and all things magical. We call those affected "the chosen" since it's the magic that choses you." 

"Hold on- I don't believe in magic!" I shook my hands in front of my face. My once happy fun adventurous dream was turning quite accusatory.

Bernard and Curtis both gave me an offended look at that statement.

"And what about the snow globe that Charlie got? Are you saying that we both have magic Santa powers now??" I prodded, standing up sharply and placing my hands on the table. "Are you saying my whole family is going to be a bunch of magic Santa weirdos?"

Bernard sighed again. He should go to the doctor, maybe he has a breathing problem. Or, just a drama queen problem? "No, Charlie isn't going to... His snow globe is different. It's a Santa snowglobe but he wasn't- He won't become-" Bernard was trying to make this easier to understand but he was speaking in circles, which only made it more confusing. He was avoiding something. "He won't fall subject to the Clause in the same way you did, and you will."

The Workshop: A "The Santa Clause" Fanfiction. (Bernard x Female OC)Where stories live. Discover now