Chapter 16 - Deserted Island Exam (3)

Start from the beginning

He was completely right. We have a pretty good relationship, and part of that was because Class D posed no threat to Class B. But if more tests like this were to happen and Class D miraculously gained a lot of points, we'd have to re-evaluate our relationship with Class B.

"It's close to role call. So, I'll be heading back to my class."

As quickly as he came, Kanzaki left to rejoin his class.

But, getting reliable information about the whereabouts of Class B's base of operations could be useful for the test.

I turned back to face my companions, "we should probably head back too. Maybe, you'll get some praise for the massive fish you caught, Ike."

"Hey! That sounded sarcastic!"

"What... I could never..."


Role call went smoothly.

No one from any class was late or missing, so no points were lost.

As soon as attendance was confirmed by the teachers, all the classes dispersed back into the dense forest.

But, there was something off.

There was someone, no, more like two people following behind our class as we made our way back to the campsite.

I don't think anyone else noticed their presence. And I didn't know if they were a threat or not, so I decided to leave them until they made a move.

Only a few moments after our class made it back to our campsite, the individuals following us stepped out from the bushes.

"Will you look at these idiots!"

The entire class's attention turned to the intruders.

"I know, right! They're barely even living, just for some measly class points. Must really suck being part of class defects."

It was Kondo and Komiya. Two of the 'victims' in Sudo's trial. They were definitely trying to stir up the morale of the class. Those cheap tricks wouldn't work on most, but considering the conditions our class was living in, it would start to chip away at some people's mental state.

"Oi! Why you two!"

Sudo was the first to fall victim to their mind games and made his way toward them with his fists balled.

I quickly stepped in front of Sudo to stop him from doing anything drastic. "Don't, Sudo. They're just trying to get a rise out of us."

"But... why can't I just pound them into the ground..."

"I said stop, Sudo."

Sudo grumbled a few words under his breath, but eventually, he backed off and went inside one of the tents.

"If you really want to live the good life," Komiya picked back up his act, "come to the beach if you want to live the good life!"

Both Kondo and Komiya kicked some of the dirt in front of them at us and turned on their heels to head back to their campsite.

"Well, that was unexpected."

Ayanokouji appeared at my side and gave his remarks about the situation.

"Indeed, it wouldn't hurt to take them up on their offer, though."

Horikita mysteriously appeared at my side too. I must be losing my edge if these two could appear beside me.

"Wait. Are we actually going to go to their camp?"

"Did you not pay attention to what I just said?"

"Eh..." I rubbed the back of my neck while responding, "I just tend to tune out useless information."

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