"Ow!" Chip clamped a hand protectively over his arm. "What did you do that for?"

"Do you know where Val Marquez is?"

"Am I supposed to know who that is?"

Flora poked him again.

"Stop it! I don't know anything about Val Market!"

"It's Marquez, you idiot!"

Verity placed a hand on her friend's shoulder and gently took the poker from her. "If we need to put any more holes in Chip, we'll let Alek use his gun again."

Chip frowned. "Not cool. How can you..." He looked around and then went silent. From Verity's sour expression, however, Chip was still in communication with her. Try as I might, I couldn't get a read on what either of them were thinking.

"We are not!" Verity said out loud. "We never were. It was all in your head."

"What happened between us was not in my head. Well, not this one at least." He pointed to his temple and laughed.

Verity handed back the poker to Flora. "Do what you want with him. Just wait until I've had a chance to ask him a few questions." Hands on hips, she turned back to Chip. "First off, why are you here?"

"Because you're my mate, obviously. I can't stay away from you too long." He reached a hand towards her waist. "I feel that pull."

I stepped closer, ready to intercede if necessary. My gun is in the car if you need me to go retrieve it.

Verity raised a hand to tell me to wait, slapped Chip away from her, then went back to her interrogation. "Two rules: don't touch me and don't lie. What are you really doing here? Did he have something to do with it?" She pointed Norvin's way.

Norvin waved his hands in front of him. "I have nothing to do with this monster, obviously. Why would I want a werewolf anywhere near me?"

The shock in Chip's expression extended to the tremor in his voice. "What do you mean, Norvin? That's not a nice thing to say to me, especially after everything I've done for you."

I froze where I stood. Everything he'd done for Norvin... what the absolute fuck?

Verity pressed on. "I knew it! What exactly have you done for him, Chip?"

"Nothing!" Norvin insisted. "He's lying in a pathetic attempt to legitimize himself to you."

"But..." confused, Chip's leg began to shake like a dog having a bad dream. "It was you who told me if I didn't hear from you by our appointed time, I should track your phone and see where you'd gone."

"In this pathetic form? What help did you think you'd be to me? My god, you are more trouble than you're worth!" Norvin stood and attempted to make his way towards the front door.

I blocked his path. It was a good thing I didn't have my gun on me or it might not be Chip who caught the first bullet. "Seriously, Norvin? Who even are you?"

All my fears had been justified in the last thirty seconds. Norvin had been working with Chip. There was no way to deny it now. Another piece of my soul became crushed under the weight of the terrible truth. Aurum Venari, for all its professed and lofty goals of eradicating the world of its most dangerous predator, was using that predator for its own gain.

You really think Chip is the world's most dangerous predator?

Startled, I began rebuilding my wall of resistance to Verity's thoughts. "You know what I mean," I answered her out loud.

"There's a lot you don't realize, Alek," Norvin said, his voice tinged with annoyance. How dare I put him in a position where he'd have to explain his awful behavior to me instead of me just accepting all the lies he dealt me! "Chip is a means to an end."

"I'm a what?" All the self-assurance Chip had maintained even when I was pummeling him was gone now. "Is that true, Norvin? Is that why you created me?"

The room grew silent. Chip's last question lingered like a smoke ring in the room. I breathed it in, each word threatening to choke me.

"Chip," I said, trying as best I could to leave the hostility out of my voice. "What the hell do you mean when you say Norvin created you?"

With his face stuck in confused mode, Chip rubbed at his soar jaw. "How is it that you don't know."

"Chip... stop talking," Norvin cautioned him, but Chip, who now seemed angrier at him than at me, wasn't going to listen to him.

"You think I'm stupid, Alek? But here you are, born and raised in Aurum Venari, and you didn't know all that time that they're the ones creating werewolves."

My body went numb. I stumbled backwards. "You're wrong."

Chip laughed. "Next, you'll tell me you don't even know what they turned you into."


Author's note:  Things are speeding along towards the end of Act Two and our characters are still being hit with a ton of alarming intel. Do you think Alek and Verity can believe what Chip is saying? Is Aurum Venari creating werewolves, even as they profess to be destroying them? And if so, what is Alek's place in all this? How is it that Chip, of all people, might know more about Alek than Alek himself?


Also, after 9 LONG days, I have internet at my house again and I am back on track with life (for the most part) and this story. I am looking forward to sharing the upcoming chapters with all of you. A million thanks to you all for reading. I hope it has remained intriguing for you!


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