Chapter 02; Homecoming gifts

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Della's POV
Bella and I exit the house to find dad and Cora greeting our guests.

I saw a teenage boy and my dad helping my godfather, Billy Black, into his wheelchair while Cora chatted my godmother, Sarah "Della, Bella you remember Sarah and Billy Black?" Dad asked Bella nodded and smiled awkwardly "Yeah, definitely" she lied while my face lit up and I said "Of course I remember my godparents! You guys look great!" I said as I hugged Sarah and Billy and giving them each a kiss on their cheeks.

Billy laughed and said "Well, I'm still dancing" I smiled and asked "How are Rebecca and Rachel?" As Bella walked over to the boy and started twirling her hair while awkwardly flirting "They're great. Both wanted to stay close to home so Rebecca is attending college at Seattle University and Rachel is in Alaska" I nodded "That's great! I can't wait to see them again" I then turn to the boy and looked him over for a minute before saying "No way...Jake?!" He looked over at me and smiled "In the flesh."

I laughed and hugged him, pissing Bella off but before she could say anything Billy said "Glad you're finally here, Del. Charlie hasn't shut up about it since you told him you were coming" dad became flustered and said "Keep exaggerating, I'll wheel you down the hill" "Right after I ram you in the ankles!" Billy countered before he took several rolls at dad, who dodged him. Cora and Sarah follow after them playfully cheering them on.

Jacob shakes his head at our parents before approaching me "It's good to see you again Addie, how have you been?" I smiled and said "Great! What about you?" He smiles and said "I'm good" Bella then rudely interrupted by pushing me out of the way and saying "Who are you exactly?" He gives her an uncomfortable look before saying "I'm Jacob. We made mud pies together when we were little kids."

"Yeah... I think I remember..." She said looking for something to say "Are they always like this?" Jake shrugs and says "It's getting worse with old age" our parents then reproaches us and dad
pats the hood of the truck, addressing Bella "So what do you think of your homecoming gift?" "No way. The truck is for me?" Bella asks making dad nod "Just bought it off Billy, here" "It's perfect!" Bella says before shooting me a smug look.

Sadly that look faded when my dad said "What do you think about the jeep, Addie?" I beamed before saying "I love it!" I gave everyone a hug before getting the keys from Jake and climbing inside. I ignored Bella storming off while Jake joined me in the jeep "Hey, maybe I can give you a ride to school" Jake looks at me apologetically "I go to school on the reservation" I frowned and said "Oh, that's too bad. Would've been nice to have one friend at school tomorrow."

Jake pats my shoulder sympathetically "Don't worry. Everyone's gonna love you" I gave him a weak smile before starting the jeep.

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