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3rd POV
Moss drapes over the shadow drenched, tortured tree trunks that twisted upward, reaching for rare sunlight that dares peaks through the thick blanket of clouds that cover and shield the small town of Forks Washington.

"I'd never given much thought to how I would die...."

A feminine voice says from out of view, as it seemingly remembers a story from their past. A story, in which we are about to be told.

Suddenly, every creature in the forest is deadly silent. Neither bird, beast nor insect make a noise. A predator is near. Then, in the distance, hear a tiny  twig can be heard snapping. Abruptly, a deer snaps its head up, its head and eyes slowly turns to look around before leaping away in an attempt to flee. The predator follows behind. Inhumanly fast.

Trees whip past us the doe as the desperate chase begins. The doe clumsily dodges tree branches as the predator does the same with preternatural agility. The predator speeds up, chasing the doe. It's exhilarating, terrifying, and a feral game of cat and mouse.

Finally, the predator starts closing in on its prey. The doe in a desperate attempt to escape and survive leaps into a stream to cross it with the predator following closely behind, unaware of the danger it is about to be put in.

"Violette! Wait! Don't!" Voices call out to the predator only to fall on deaf ears until the deer leaps across the stream in a high arc, hovering suddenly in seemingly slow motion against the slight glare of the sun a giant silver and white she-wolf leaps forward and snaps the prey's neck into her mouth.

The predator, or Violette rather, let's out a shriek of frustration and leaps towards the wolf in an attempt to reclaim her prey only to be pulled back by a pair of pale glittery arms. Soon Violette is surrounded by pale glittering people with gold eyes, while the she-wolf is surrounded by seven more giant wolves varying in colors. The she-wolf drops the corpse into the creek and allows the blood to pour down stream.

The sparkling people and the giant wolves stare at one another in obvious tension. None look away as they all stare at each other.

A white glare suddenly blinds us and the scene changes.

"But dying in the place of someone I love seems like a good way to go..."

We can now see the narrator as a teenage girl no older that 16 or 17 years old. Her eyes are closed against the sunlight, absorbing its rays. Long,
dirty blonde hair frames pale olive skin. She's a an imperfect beauty, but a beauty nonetheless.

"... So I can't bring myself to regret the decision that brought me here to die..."

The background surrounding her comes into focus as we realize we're now in Phoenix, Arizona. The narrator, Della, gets off her knees and rises to stand at the end of a cul-de-sac on the desert's edge near a ritzy neighborhood. The sun blazes behind her as she bends down and carefully adjusts the tiny barrel cactus into its new clay pot.

"... The decision to leave home."

She stares at the cactus with a smile on her face, sucked into a state of reverie, until "Bye, Della!" A feminine voice calls out making Della snaps her head up to look across the street where her three
tanned, athletic, blonde neighbors hop into their convertible Mercedes. Their flawless, bought-and-paid for beauty contrasts with Della's pale naturalness. They wave wishing their neighbor farewell "Good luck at your new school!" "Don't forget to write!" "We'll miss you!" Della smiles and waves back, sweetly, as she steps off the curb.

"Thanks, guys! Bye Hailey! Bye Mackenzie! Bye Hannah!" She calls out before she's pushed out of the way by a stumbling teenage girl with the exact same face, but brown hair and eyes instead of Della's blonde and blue eyes "Have a good-!" The brunette starts to say, but accidentally trips on the curb, when she rights herself, they're already gone "... life."

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