The rain didn't cease. In fact, whoever controlled the weather seemed to have it out for us; the waves forming from the lake made it ten times harder to get away from the village. There was a sudden flash, and thunder that shook my very soul echoed across the sky.

I groaned in frustration as I paddled with all my might, arms weakening with fatigue. Against my will, the paddling motion started to get slower until my arms could barely move.

"Diana!" Asher's voice was like a whisper over the roaring of the rain. He held his hand out and gestured to the oar. I didn't think twice before handing the paddle over.

I slumped against the side of the boat and closed my eyes, only for my relaxation to be rudely interrupted by a splash of water to my face.

The weather showed no mercy, making the ability to see nearly impossible. I couldn't tell if we were heading away or towards the cursed town.

There was another rock of the boat, causing me to lurch forward. I gripped onto the sides with all my strength to prevent myself from tumbling over.


A body knocked into me. Suddenly I was moving, the water rushing closer and closer. With a loud splash, I was under water.

Everything was too quiet.

Too slow.


Whether my eyes were open or closed, it didn't matter. The lake's water was as murky as night.

Then something grabbed me.

For a second I tried to scream, only for bubbles to erupt from my mouth.

It was the monster. It had come back to finish its job. To rid me from my existence. To punish me for my betrayal.

I deserved it. I deserved everything horrible that would happen to me.

Wait...these hands...

They weren't scaly. Or slimy.

No claws digging into my arm.

They were soft.



Through the dark waters, I reached out, holding on to the one thing that could save me. My one hope as it lifted me up.

As if I'd just entered another world, sounds rushed back. The howling of the wind and rain. The clamps of thunder. Intelligible yellings of the people I had regretfully grown close with.

I felt myself being set on the wooden floor of the boat. I coughed my lungs out, dirt and water dripping from my mouth. A few seconds later, my vision started to clear. Familiar faces hovered over me with worried expressions.

"Diana, can you hear me?" Tristen's voice yelled over the chaos. Not having the energy to respond, I mustered a small nod.

Without another hesitation, he pulled me to his chest, rocking back and forth. I was too tired to fight against him. My head rested against him, soaking up the warmth.

"It's okay. It's okay," Tristen chanted quietly. I didn't know why the words calmed me. I knew it was okay.

But being sheltered by his arms made it feel really okay.

I wasn't aware of time passing. It could've been minutes or hours before the rain ceased. Eventually, I managed to stop shaking. Thunder just became an echo in the distance. I could feel Tristen's warm breath on my neck. With his arms around me. Against his chest.

Hybrid: The AwakeningWhere stories live. Discover now