10 | kiss

264 18 5

4th december

it was the end of the film and soobin was crying his eyeballs out. he felt like for some reason he could relate to the film, his life was like the titanic, he was sinking and drowning, and he needed an escape.

"hey, soobin, don't cry. it's alright. it's just a film, besides it was in the past." yeonjun patted soobin's shoulder, he wanted to hug the younger so bad but he didn't want to invade his personal space. so the only way he could comfort him was by patting his shoulder and whispering comforting words to him.

without a warning soobin rested his head in yeonjun's chest and cried into his jumper. yeonjun gasped and was taken by surprise at his actions but then responded by wrapping his arms around the fragile boy.

"shh, it's okay." yeonjun whispered.

"t-thank you yeonjun." soobin stuttered through sobs.

"for what my bunny?" yeonjun replied to the boy, soobin blushed at the choice of nickname. yeonjun had called him bunny a few times before but never 'my bunny' it made soobin feel like he belonged to yeonjun. he didn't mind the thought of that ofcourse but it was just shocking that he said that.

"for e-everything." soobin sobbed.

"ofcourse soob, you know I'll always be with you. i'm gonna find a way to get your parents out of your life." yeonjun was determined to make soobin's life better since the first day they met. he has thought about asking soobin to stay with him at his house. he knows his mother definitely wouldn't mind. yeonjun's mother is caring, loving and supports yeonjun for who he is. sadly, yeonjun never really had a father because he passed when he was only young from a car accident. he never really met his dad but his mother said he was a lovely man.

soobin pulled his head out of yeonjun's chest and smiled at the older. yeonjun smiled back and they both admired eachother in the dimly lit room as the credits of the film rolled in the background.

even though the only light was coming from the TV and a little bit from the moon light outside the window, yeonjun could still see soobin's eyes sparkle like the whole galaxy was framed into his beautiful eyes.

they stared at eachother for a few seconds before without a warning yeonjun began to lean in closer to soobin's face. they could feel eachother's warm breaths fanning over their face.

"y-yeonjun what are y-" he was cut off by yeonjun interrupting him quickly.

"can i kiss you?"


soobin and yeonjun felt like they could hear a pin drop. they could only hear the soft breathing of eachother. it was like you could cut the tension in the room in half with a knife.

after realising soobin didn't say anything, yeonjun got the hint that soobin was probably weirded out or shocked so he looked away from the younger, "i-im sorry that was so stupid of me to say, i'm just gonna g-"

soobin roughly scrunched yeonjun's shirt with his fingers and hawled him back to sit down. without a warning he placed his lips on yeonjun's.

it wasn't rushed or rough, it was gentle, calm and filled with love. soobin's hands were still crinkling yeonjun's shirt, yeonjun immediately replied to the action and placed his hand on the side of the youngers cheek, he leaned into his touch more, deepening the kiss.

their lips didn't move, just connected softly. after a few seconds they both pulled away to breath. their hearts were beating against their chests in a harmonic rhythm. they were both scared that the other could hear the fast beating.

"shit." yeonjun whispered, his hand was still on soobin's face, he brought the other hand to cup his face. "you're so so pretty." he breathed.

they both flinched at the sound of a car driving outside the house.

"my parents!" soobin whisper shouted, just in case they could hear.

"why are they so early?" yeonjun whined.

"i don't know, but you have to get out of here quick." soobin replied, they both got up in a hurry.

"but i wanted to at least stay till your birthday" yeonjun pouted while they rushed to the back entrance of the house. soobin followed behind, he got so happy that yeonjun remembered his birthday, it made him feel warm on the inside. when they were at the door, yeonjun kissed soobin's cheek then smiled at him. soobin's face blushed red in a matter of seconds.

"thank you yeonjun," soobin said to yeonjun. the boy nodded in return then quickly ran away into the distance. soobin watched as the love of his life went away. once he couldn't see him he ran upstairs to his bedroom before his parents could see him.

published-03 february 2023

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