9 | last hours

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a/n: these next two chapters haven't been checked through again, sorry! 🙈 when i get more time i will definitely check through them. but for now if you see any mistakes please say something so i can correct them.

these chapters are also a little longer than the last. so i'm sorry if you prefer shorter chapters.


enough of me now, please enjoy!💗

4th december

soobin's thoughts were abruptly interrupted by the sound of a car engine starting. meaning his parents were going for a car ride, soobin never knew where they went at this time. they usually came back after midnight, with more drugs or just extremely drunk. soobin would always pretend to be asleep when they came back to not get caught in any commotion.

but whenever they weren't home, it was a time when soobin could be less stressed knowing that his parents weren't around to antagonize him. he felt atleast a little bit free. there were a few times when he would call yeonjun over, but whenever his parents came back, he had to sneak out the back entrance, to not be seen.

he rushed downstairs and checked through the living room window to see if they were no longer there and he was correct. he smiled lightly at the thought of not having his parents around for his last few hours.

he wanted to spend this time perfectly, after all it was his last hours on earth.

if he had the chance he would spend them with yeonjun... but he didn't want to bother yeonjun...but at the same time yeonjun said he also enjoyed spending time with him....ah fuck it I'll call him, you only live once!

soobin got his phone from his pyjama pocket and went on the call app and dialed yeonjun's number.

calling...junnie <3

after a few dials he picked up.

"hey soob what's up?"

"hey, umm, m-my parents left so-"

"i'll come over right now!" yeonjun interrupted excitedly.

yeonjun seemed super enthusiastic about coming over which made fireworks light up in soobin's stomach. he couldn't help but giggle.

"thanks yeonjun."

"no problem binnie, I'll be over in a few."

soobin and yeonjun ended the call.

soobin went over to the couch and sat down turning on the TV he scrolled through the apps for a few minutes trying to find a film to watch with yeonjun.

soobin wanted his last movie to have popcorn with it as well, so soobin made his way over to the kitchen and opened the cabinet to locate the popcorn packet and once he saw it he grabbed it and opened it. he popped it in the microwave, pressing the buttons to set it to two and a half minutes.

he slowly watched as the popcorn turned round and round after about one minute it started popping. his eyes stayed glued to the microwave.

he didn't hear the door open with a click sound, his parents always left the door open because they never cared for soobin's safety. but soobin figured, getting kidnapped was probably better than living with his parents, his parents never gave him a key to the house anyway.

soobin was peacefully watching the popcorn pop but was shocked when someone touched his waist and shouted in his ear.

"boo!" yeonjun scared soobin. soobin jumped slightly and swiveled round quickly.

"ahh~! yah! you scared me!" soobin exclaimed back while slapping yeonjun's shoulder, all yeonjun could do was laugh and soobin's face went red with embarrassment.

soobin then realised how close their bodies were, they weren't usually this close all the time, and just to add the cherry on top, yeonjun's hands were loosely placed on soobin's waist from when he scared him.

they stared into each other's eyes, they both each wanted to look away from the shy feeling creeping in, but they couldn't. their hearts wouldn't let them, both of their eyes were deep pools filled to the brim with love. their hearts both wanted to dive in and embrace their feelings but their heads were too scared to do otherwise.

yeonjun's feelings took over his body as he began to lean into the warmth of soobin's body. soobin noticed how yeonjun glanced quickly down at soobin's lips then back to his eyes. the silence was deafening to soobin as the tension grew thicker in the room the boy licked his lips, his body suddenly became scorching hot, he was nervous but yeonjun brought his face closer...and closer...until...

beep! beep! beep!

both boys swiftly pulled away, their faces staining red from embarrassment. the event that happened seconds ago kept on replaying in their minds. soobin turned around away from yeonjun to open the microwave door that conveniently went off before they were about to kiss. omg! were we about to kiss?! why would he want to kiss me? i'm not even the slightest bit pretty, I don't understand? soobin's thoughts rushed through his head as he carefully took the fully popped popcorn packet out of the microwave.

the bag was hot at his fingertips but he quickly got a big bowl from the taller cabinet then let all the small white popcorn pieces fall into the bowl. soobin did all of this while trying his hardest not to look at yeonjun, they were standing side by side and soobin could see yeonjun just watching. soobin quickly glanced to his left to see yeonjun staring right back at him with a small smile on his face. why is he staring at me?! soobin's face felt warm, he couldn't think straight with yeonjun looking at him like that. yet at the same time, he enjoyed the attention from yeonjun, the way yeonjun looked at him made him feel loved.

"you're so pretty binnie." yeonjun whispered quite closely to soobin's ears, so he could feel his warm breath tickle his ear and the left side of his neck.

"y-yeonjun stop saying that, let's just g-go and watch the-the umm the film." soobin couldn't help himself from stuttering, he felt so flustered and overwhelmed with what yeonjun was doing to him, complimenting him, standing so close to him and almost trying to kiss him!

the taller rushed over to the living room couch and sat down, beginning to flick through the tv again, trying to find the perfect last movie. he heard yeonjun chuckle lowly behind the couch before he jumped over and landed next to soobin. they both got comfortable, sitting in a more leant back position, getting ready for the movie.

"what shall we watch?" soobin looked over at yeonjun. yeonjun just shrugged in return.

"what do you wanna watch?" yeonjun retorted.

"umm...ok how about this? this is the last film that you will ever watch, what are we watching?" soobin told him, he wasn't lying so he knew that what he was saying was clever.

"hmm..." yeonjun looked around while he was thinking of his answer.

"titanic!" yeonjun snapped suddenly at soobin, startling the younger but nevertheless he agreed.

published-03 february 2023

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