𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐲 𝐅𝐢𝐯𝐞.

Start from the beginning

"You ingrate!" Alastor shrieked, raising his staff. Just as he was about to aim, the doors to the throne room burst open. Seven white, feathered horses with winged creatures on their backs came thrumming through the threshold, three eyes spotting their heads and snouts gray. Demons jumped and scurried out of the way; the less fortunate ones were trampled, bones crunching and blood spilling from wounds the heavy hooves inflicted.

Alastor stepped back, eyes growing wide with what looked to be confusion. Possibly fear.

One of the hooded creatures on the horse's back rose from his low position, raising a long glaive into the air while his horse reared. It dropped back onto its hooves with a heavy clop! sound on the white tiles, all the other's slowing behind him, shining, golden eyes appearing from within the shadows of their cloaks. You jumped away from the throne upon recognizing Gabriel's eyes near the front of the group, sobbing weakly as you ran to him. He dismounted his horse and opened his arms for you, wings wrapping snuggly around your form when you slammed into him.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" you cried into his shoulder, fingers digging into his back. He said nothing, simply aiding you onto the back of his horse and then mounting after you. The angel in the front removed his hood, a single eye resting in the center of his pale face. Uriel. "Sinner, you have broken the laws of the Stars!" he bellowed, Alastor's ears flattening against his skull. His hackles were raised and his lips were drawn back in an ugly snarl. Nobody in the room dared to speak, Angel Dust's famous smug look settling on his white features.

"A mortal soul, no matter the power, has no right to claim the throne. Wether they killed the king or not is irrelevant!" Uriel shouted, pointing the sliver glaive at the stag. Alastor's ear flicked, lips twisted in a painful smile. He glared at you, watching as Gabriel held a hand over your belly to keep you from falling. "But I deserve this! I've worked for a century to attain this rank!" he roared. The static that fogged his words was deadly, almost making his speech incoherent.

"The only demon that may claim Lucifer's throne is his daughter and all offspring that follows from her bloodline!" Uriel twirled his weapon and raised it, all the other Archangels doing the same. Alastor swallowed. "Death is to be rewarded for such actions, Alastor. What do you plead?"
"Innocent!" he shrieked, each angel slowly pulling off their hoods to reveal their many eyes. "Guilty." They spoke in perfect unison. Sinners that had crowded the room had taken this opportunity to flee back to the streets, not wanting to stick around for the scene that would unfold.

They're going to kill him. I'm going to watch him die again. And it's all my fault.

Gabriel held you tight, softly murmuring in your ear, "Look away. This will be bright." Doing as you were told, you hid your face in Gabriel's chest, a blinding glow collecting at the tip of their glaives and creating a shining orb above them. "May the souls of the Abyss cloud your mind!" Uriel yelled, the orb inflating with more and more power until it became too much, a ringing sound shooting through your ears.

"Fall, heathen!" they cried. With one flick of their wrists, a screeching beam of light shot from the ball, swallowing Alastor's body, his arms lifting to block his face from the sun-like fire. Alastor screamed. He had screamed as hard as he could, his smile dropping to a look of pure and absolutely pain. Flecks of his body singed and flew off of him, his tears stinging his eyes more than they usually would. Then and only then did he see what he had done wrong. He could feel himself returning to his own. Even in just the few short hours that his mind had been swallowed by his hunger for power, he had done damage.

He had hurt you, yelled at you for trying to reason. Your words had made sense but he didn't want to listen. He wanted to keep what he had worked so hard to get and not have it stolen from him. Now, even after he had gotten it, all of it was going to be lost. He was going to be lost. Worst of all, the last look he had ever gotten to see in your gaze was fear. Every single time it had been fear or anger or a mix of the both. Having those thoughts in mind, he wished he could stop this and apologize. Tell you just how sorry he was for hitting you. For ruining everything.

But it was far too late for that, his flesh beginning to peel from his bones and vanish into the light. He was going somewhere nobody would find him. This was death. The one that nobody could come back from, not even Lucifer himself. I suppose I'll say hi to him when I get there. Perhaps have an ale or two, he thought. A chuckle was caught in his throat. Goodbye, my love. Such a strange way to leave. Such a strange thought. Love. He had found it, and then he had thrown it all away so he could sit on some fancy chair. How foolish of himself.

With that last thought floating around inside of his hollowing skull, the light then vanished and nothing remained of Alastor. The sinners that had stayed in the area whispered amongst themselves, all of your friends looking lost. Their pupils were small and tears had gathered in Charlie's and Niffty's gazes. Some sadness was even spotted in Husk's eyes.

"Jesus Christ," you whispered, clutching onto Gabriel. The angel rubbed your shoulder, glancing at his brothers. "Charlotte Morningstar," Michael descended from his horse and walked to the teary-eyed princess, sheathing his glaive as a staff manifested in his hands. Well, it more just looked like a long, black rod. "You are the heir to your father's throne. It is you who must run these depths. Our minds will guide you when you need assistance, but take refuge in the trust of your friends. The world is yours; use your power well."

When Charlie took the piece of metal from the Archangel, it began to shift into a black trident, each point resembling the head of a serpent while its golden body coiled along the length of the staff. "Wow..." she breathed, red eyes wide and jaw slack. "We wish you well, Charlotte." Michael then turned and walked back to his mount, the horse hoofing at the tiled floor while shaking its head, its feathered main rippling majestically with the movement. He raised himself onto its back, Uriel's easy whistle signaling their departure, all them turning and vanishing out the palace doors.

Gabriel stayed behind a short moment, allowing you to slide off the bare back of his white-furred creature. "I...I'm sorry, (Y/n). For everything. I want things to go back to the way they were with us. I want us to be friends again," he admitted softly. Holding your hand for a brief moment. "I'm sorry too. I just think I'm going to need some time. This...this is going to hurt me a lot." Gabriel nodded in acknowledgment and then turned his horse in the direction of the doors, leaving to follow his brothers with his white cloak spreading out behind him with the small breeze he created.

Charlie inhaled and held her hand for Vaggie, the moth demon taking it and following her lover up the steps to the carved obsidian throne. Charlie looked at the sinners. Their gazes were expectant, far less worried and scared than when Alastor had been sat there moments earlier. Then, with a deep breath, she raised her trident. This was their new ruler. Their queen.

Queen Charlotte Morningstar.

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• 𝐃𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐲'𝐬 𝐓𝐰𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐂𝐫𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 • Alastor x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now