All rainbow friends x demon! reader

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Y/n Pov:

While my class was not helping collect stuff because they were 'stuck with the devil' aka me. Blue and his other friends have taken an interest in me because of my horns and tail red says he loves them; it feels weird because no-one has just generally taken interest in my horns and tail really, I mean it's like having extra body parts. The fatal flaw of my tail is that it is really uncomfortable when I sit down and for the horns they can get pulled by people.

Red Pov:

If you ask my opinion on Y/n I'll most likely say I'm fascinated by them, I could also say that they're beautiful and kind.

Blue Pov:

My opinion on Y/n is that they're pretty. <3  

Green Pov:

They're helpful.

Orange Pov:

They're generous.

Purple Pov:

They're comforting   :]

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