Chapter 94: Convinced Of The Truth

Start from the beginning

Lifeless, and devoid of any color in her already pale skin, was Emilia.

Her bangs hung in a way YN could not see her eyes as she could now be seen over Subaru's shoulder, a small stream of blood running from her mouth and staining the white robe he wore.

But his surprise announced his presence.

Slowly cranking his head around, the look of horror and disbelief was still etched into Subaru's face. His eyes screamed for an explanation and an end to his suffering. His sanpaku eyes couldn't be more bloodshot.

Even though he noticed it was YN, the one who the last time he had seen had been quite frustrated with was now standing in the doorway, it made little impact in his current state. Looking out like a helpless child without a word to be had on his lips, his panicked breathing was accompanied by tears and snot on face.

The two remained in a limbo of speechlessness for what felt like an eternity. YN couldn't exactly retreat, but nor could he advance.

As the pool of blood continued to slowly expand, Subaru could only begin to try and babble out a few broken words.

Subaru: I-I—! I don't-know-how—...!? It—! Emilia—! She was—!

Finally gaining the courage to move, YN moved quickly towards them, but stopped short of the blood. Unsure of what he was even hoping to accomplish, it felt like something extremely taboo or cursed to simply step onto Emilia's blood.

YN: Subaru... what happened to Emilia?

Subaru: I— I just wanted t-to try and tell her...

That was all he needed to say.

The Consequence, the blood, Emilia's death. It was all connected.

This time rather than harming him... the Consequence instead took Emilia's life after he tried to tell her of Return By Death...

This was an entirely new revelation to their shared ability, and YN didn't know how to feel about it.

This never happened with Rem... never once.

In fact, ever since she'd looked into his memories, speaking about Return By Death between him and Rem had remained without Consequences ever since.

Even after Rem figured out it was Subaru who needed to die to have it triggered, there still wasn't a Consequence, meaning it wasn't just a loophole the first time...

As Subaru remained in pain, YN's mind fluttered trying to find an explanation that fit the logic of the situation.

Is it because it was me who said it? That can't be though... I've caused Consequences before. And it even happened once when trying to tell Rem before she found out on her own...

Was finding out on their own part of the problem? If enough hints could be dropped and whoever it was figured it out, was that enough?

Brimming with theories, YN's mind was forced to halt as Subaru finally began to speak coherently as he turned back to face the dead half-elf in his arms.

Subaru: I think I understand now...

YN: —?

Without even needing to see YN tilt his head in question, Subaru knew to elaborate, his voice still hoarse and shaky.

Subaru: When you lost Rem... you said you held her as she died...

Making YN recall memories equally as painful as this one for Subaru, he finally came to a realization.

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