7: TS-19

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After Glenn had led Bianca back to their room, he left with Rick, Shane and T to go check out the generators

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After Glenn had led Bianca back to their room, he left with Rick, Shane and T to go check out the generators. Bianca just laid down in the blanket fort, thinking about her family.

She doesn't know how long she stayed there, crying. But all of a sudden, the lights went out. She looked up at the ceiling in confusion before sitting up.

She heard a bit of commotion in the hallway, so she pushed herself up and opened the door, seeing Jenner walk by with a bottle of alcohol.

"Why is the air off?" Lori asked. "And the lights in our room?" Carol asked. "Hey what's goin' on? Why is everythin' turned off?" Daryl asked Jenner ignored everyone else.

"Energy use is being prioritized." Was all he said. "Air isn't a priority? And lights?" Dale asked. "It's not up to me. Zone 5 is shutting itself down." Jenner told them.

"Hey! Hey, what the hell does that mean?" Jenner didn't answer Daryl, so he followed after him. "Hey, man, I'm talkin' to you. What do you mean it's shuttin' itself down? How can a buildin' do anythin'?" Jenner led them all back into the big room as he responded.

"You'd be surprised." Then the rest came running in. "Rick?" Lori asked, looking down at him. He held his hand up, his way of telling everyone to remain calm. Jenner walked down the stairs, everyone following as Rick started questioning him too.

"Jenner, what's happening?" Jenner just continued to walk forward, like he was on autopilot.

"The system is dropping all the non-essential uses of power. It's designed to keep the computers running to the last possible second. That started as we approached the half hour mark. Right on schedule." Jenner took another sip as he finally came to a stop. He gave the bottle back to Daryl and turned to face Andrea.

"It was the french." He told her. "What?" She asked. "They were the last ones to hold out as far as I know. While our people were bolting out the doors and committing suicide in the hallways, they stayed in the labs til the end. They thought they were close to a solution."

"What happened?" Jacqui asked. "The same thing that's happening here. No power grid. Ran outta juice. The world runs on fossil fuel. I mean, how stupid is that?" Shane quickly got mad and started at Jenner.

"Let me tell you--" Rick cut him off. "To hell with it, Shane. I don't even care. Lori, grab our things. Everybody, get your stuff. We're getting outta here, now!" Everyone turned back towards the door to follow his orders.

Then a sudden alarm started ringing loudly. "What's that?" Shane asked. "30 minutes to decontamination." Vi called out. "Doc what's going on here?!" T yelled out.

"Everybody, y'all heard Rick! Get your stuff and let's go!" Shane told them. Everyone started rushing towards the doors again but were stopped by it slamming shut. Glenn stood by Bianca as they stared in horror at the now closed door.

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