Spinz- about fighting, I learnt self defence so much from my phone!

Yniee- Huh? Phone?

Spinz- Yeah... you know movies, dramas & Youtube,etc.

Yniee- Ahh~ I'm proud of you!

Spinz- you should be proud of yourself cause you are the one who get me addicted to movies, dramas, Youtube and whatever more!

Yniee flipped her hairs and did the rock sign. Spinz chuckled. Then the bell ring and they went to their respective classes.

Time Skip~

A day before Yniee's farewell from the school.

Today Yniee was waiting for Spinz at their spot.

Spinz came & saw Yniee.

Spinz- ohh Noona you early here today.

Yniee- Nah Sugaboo. I'm at my time but you are late today!

Spinz- ohh~ Is that So! Well you know tomorrow is farewell so juniors are quite busy.

Yniee (Sign+dully face)- Whatever.....

Spinz- Why aren't you happy?

Yniee- Hell no! I'm not even a bit happy!!

Spinz- Yaah You didn't even think before speaking.

Yniee- Cause I don't need to. I- absolutely not Happy!

Spinz- why? Don't you feel happy to leave this school! From day after tomorrow you don't have to wear a particular uniform. You will go to  college and would wear anything you would like!

Yniee- I- Sugaboo let me ask you a question, are you happy?

Spinz lowered his head for a sec and then smile at Yniee.

Yniee understands the pain behind that smile.

Spinz- I'm too tired, just give me the drink so that i can have a bit of energy!

Yniee gave him the drink and he starts to drink.

Yniee- Spinz don't try to change the topic.

Spinz shakes his head as no while drinking the drink.

Yniee- You know I'm taking a year break! So it means I'm not going to college! I'm just gonna sleep all days!!
Wait!! What if I take break for 3 years, after that we both will go to collage at same time.

Spinz choke on his drink.

Spinz(cough)- Noona!

Yniee(patting his back)- what??!

Spinz- You are not gonna do that.

Yniee- and what if I did so?

Spinz (low voice)- Don't.

Yniee- Fine! fine! Just don't be sad! Wellll  you know after the day you beat those assholes people had started to address you with different name!

Spinz- Hun? Back then they called me the 'hoodie guy' I know!

Yniee- Yeah... but know they call you MITH!!

Spinz- huh??!

Yniee- Aishhh!! There is a full form of that word.

M- Monster

I- in

T- the

H- hoodie.

Spinz(smug face)- Ohh~ I like it.

Yniee- Ikrr! I felt so proud when I heard it first time.

Spinz chuckled.

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