Hyperactivity kicked in and the others didn't notice Y/n leaving their hiding spot.

They only noticed when they heard a "Whoa!" They looked to see Y/n on one of the tweels' shoulders while the other one was watching with an amused smile.

Grim let out a shocked noise, earning the attention of the tweels. "Ah! It's goldfishie! And he brought some friends."

"Goldfishie?" Y/n laughed at the nickname, making the twin on which shoulders they were on follow as Riddle's face became red.

"Oya~ And what could you be doing here?" The other twin asked with a cold smile.

They froze and Riddle cleared his throat "Calm down, Jade. We were...searching for Y/n here."

The one in question then touched the tweel's hair "So if he's Jade, that means you're Floyd."

He looked up and as their eyes met, it felt like something clicked. He picked her down and hugged her, making her giggle. "I want to keep you, angelfish! Can I, Jade?"

Jade was visibly amused as he chuckled "I wouldn't mind but Azul might get mad."

Floyd whined, tightening his hold. 'He could probably break a normal human's bones like that.'

After a lot of negotiation, he finally let go of him and he went back to his group.

"N/n, you sure are a reckless one."

"Well, i'll admit that i can be impulsive some times."

"Then it's off to the next name on my list! It's getting late, so let's make this the last one for today, 'kay? It's Jack Howl: freshman, Savanaclaw Dorm. Rumor has it that he's a great athlete. Scouts from all the major teams are fighting to sign him."

"Let's go to his dorm then since classes are over." 

As Y/n said that, Riddle realized "Oh, is it 5:00 already? Rule 346 says that-"

"croquet must not be played after 5:00 p.m." Y/n said. "Then I suppose you're off to Heartslabyul to ensure that everyone follows the rules. It's good to see you're still attached to your principles. Just don't overdo it."

Riddle blushed a little before bidding them goodbye.

"N/n~" Cater latched onto her arm. "You're so sweet~"

This made Ace and Deuce frown.

'It's not like i'm jealous or anything.'Ace tried to convince himself.

'What is this feeling?' Deuce confused himself.

"Huh... So this is Savanaclaw." Deuce looked around."Whoa, did they carve this place into a mountain? And check out these huge bones! I wouldn't wanna meet whatever animal they're from." Grim shivered.'I feel like in a safari.' Y/n zoned out once more until they noticed something and left the group once more."Couldn't be less like Heartslabyul." Ace said"No kidding. Even the air here feels so...primal. It's like we've left the bounds of civilization." Cater agreed."So what's this Jack guy look like?" They asked."Apparently he's got wolf ears, silver hair, and a big, bushy tail too.""A big, bushy tail... Wait, you mean like that guy with Y/n there?""Huh?"

They looked and saw Y/n was effectively talking to a wolf boy.

"We should probably keep a better eye on him."

They went closer and heard their conversation. "You don't get it dude. I REALLY need to touch your tail. Please! I'll never ask for anything else in my whole life!"

The boy flushed "Just let it go. I don't even know you."

Cater bumped in "Sorry for that. We're not here to touch your tail. We-"

"I know, she already told me before going about how she could die immediately if she didn't touch my tail."

"I'll touch it one day." Y/n grumbled.

"And like I said, I don't need your help. I can protect myself. Now, I need to get back to my training." He started running again.

"Don't go running off on your own like that again." Ace scolded them.

"But his tail looked so soft and fluffy, I needed to touch it and I still do."

"Y/n can be hyperactive but at least it doesn't cause any problem." Deuce said, earning a smile from her.

"Hey! What are you herbivores doin' here?" A boy with animal ears yelled at them.

"You think you can just barge onto our turf and walk away without payin' the price?" Another one asked.

Y/n frowned "Whatever, let's just go."

A third one looked them up and down before smirking "Aww, don't be like that. Play with us first~"

That made her cringe but a not so new voice snapped her outta it "Cut it out, you three."

Y/n smirked "Hi kitty~"

That seemed to take everyone aback as Leona only huffed "What do you think you're doing on MY territory? Lookin' for a fight?"

"Oh puh-lease kitty cat, fights are forbidden in school plus you can't use magic to attack me so..."

"Who talked about attacking?" He smirked as he raised an eyebrow. "How about we settle this in a "friendly" spelldrive match?"

"Not interested." He frowned at their words. "I don't even like this game."

Leona scoffed "Then how about this? If she doesn't play, I won't either. You know to give y'all a "chance"." He laughed.

The trio seemed fired up at his words as Cater was forced to follow them.

'I don't believe in this.' Y/n scanned the Savanaclaw students and finally spotted Ruggie. He stayed silent while Leona was talking to them.

"Hey, whatever you did to Ruggie, you better not try anything again, omnivore." Leona scowled. 

"Wait, so the others are herbivores but i'm an omnivore?" Their eyes glowed golden and Leona noticed but chose to stay silent.

As expected, the match went in favor of Savanaclaw. Leona must have gotten annoyed by Y/n's indifference at some point.

He looked at Ruggie who met his gaze before motioning toward them. Ruggie gulped as he executed the lion's silent order. A Savanaclaw student was about to throw the disk but didn't control well the trajectory which sent it toward the H/c at incredible speed. She didn't even look as she flicked it, sending it flying in the goals and leaving a trail in the process.

Everyone was shocked as Y/n had an idea. "Hey, that wasn't so bad. Say, Leona was that as impressive as Malleus' shots? You know, all the times when he scored against you and defeated you~"

Leona had a tick on his temple "He ain't defeating anything this year, we'll make sure of that." He breathed out as he realized his outburst "Whatever, this is starti'g to become boring. I'm out."

He left as Ruggie followed him.

Y/n looked at the boys "Y'all might wanna rest some. Let's meet tomorrow with Riddle. I solved this mystery. "

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