Chapter 1

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Mikey was in his room relaxing on his bed, listening to his music on his I pod. As so while reading some comic books at his time since he basically had nothing to do at this point, and neither did his three brothers had time for him in need. With Donnie being in his lab, Ralph training more, and Leo meditating with their father at the dojo room.

"Ugh, I'm soooo booored! I have nothing to do besides staying at my room all day or in the living room playing video games, which I don't feel like doing right now....augh!". He groaned in complain.

He sat up on his bed and took off his ear buds. And turning off his music by pausing it. He sighed deeply looking around his messy room for a moment, then back at his bed. "Hm...maybe I could go out for a bit. I'm sure it wouldn't hurt, nor they wouldn't care if I'm gone for a while out in the city...yeah I'll do that". He said grinning.

As he got out of bed he suddenly heard a knock at his door which made him jump a little. "Hey Mikey, come out now. Sensei wants us to train today". Said Ralph. Mikey frowned a little disappointed in the response. He slightly opened the door seeing Ralph there.

"Okay, I'll be right there...". He said. Ralph nodded at him and walked away. Mikey closed the door behind him and threw a fit slightly, being angry for not wanting to train. "Uuugggghh!! Fuck! Why do I have to train at the worst time possible every single time! It's getting annoying!". He muttered growling.

He took a deep breath and slowly exhaled calming him down a little. "...let's just get this over with. And then...I'm out for the night". He said.

After the four ninjas came into the dojo with Splinter waiting for them. He then started to separate the for of them into two groups. Mikey vs Leo and Ralph vs Donnie to combat each other.

First up, Mikey and Leo. "Of course, me and Leo. Obviously I'm gonna lose to him...greeeaat..". He thought. "Ready Mikey?". Asked Leo taking out his two swords. "Ready as I'll ever be..I guess". He said sarcastically.

As soon as both were in their fighting positions. Splinter gave the go fight sign and Leo started to move swiftly at Mikey, launching his sword above him as he quickly dodged it with his nunchucks and did a 360 on his big bro by crouching and using his leg to knock his making him fall down to the floor.

But Leo soon got up quickly before Mikey was about to launch his nunchucks towards his face but catches it with his hand making him gulp in shock. "Oh shit...". He thought. Leo smirks at him

Grabbing his arm and swinging him around in the air before giving him a kick to his chest with his legs making him fly towards the wall and down to the floor, groaning in pain. "Gotcha Mikey". Leo laughed dropping his nunchucks down.

Mikey slowly got up, holding a hand to his chest while still in pain. "At least give me my weapon once your done with me, not just drop it next to you...".He said.

Leo chuckled grabbing the nunchucks throwing it towards Mikey which he caught it in time. "You alright Mikey? Do you need a moment?". Asked Donnie.

"I'm fine, let's just finish this". He said in a stand off position. Leo did the same and again, Splinter gave the sign and off they fought.

After 5 minutes of intense battle, Leo won again and Mikey dropping down towards the floor, a little bruises in his body and a nose bleed. "Well done my son, you have fought well". Said Splinter. "Thanks Sensei". Said Leo.

Mikey whimpered in pain and tried to carefully get himself up without tripping or anything. "Hey Mikey, do you need any hel-". Asked Leo before he got cut off with Mikey putting a hand to his face meaning to stop.

"I'm fine doing it on my own, don't worry about it. Congrats for beating me". He said in a low and raspy voice. "O-Oh...ok". Said Leo looking at him with a worried look, feeling some guilt for over doing it to his little brother.

Mikey slowly went towards the side where Donnie and Ralph were there looking at him in a concern way, which Mikey ignored as he sat down holding his hand to his chest.

"My son, are you sure your alright?". Asked Splinter towards Mikey which he didn't respond rather than giving him a thumbs up.

Splinter sighed and nodded towards him. "Very well then. Donnie, Ralph... it's your turns to fight". He said. They both nodded and got up with Leo sitting down next to Mikey.

Leo turns his face towards him and tried to reach a hand to his shoulder but suddenly, Mikey looked at him with a frown and silently hissed at him making Leo back his hand away in fear. Looking back to Donnie and Ralph almost beginning to fight.

After 10 minutes of the other two turtles fighting. Ralph eventually won while Donnie groaned in pain, coughing up a little.

"Told ya I would win of beating you Donnie". He said while smirking. "Whatever, at least you didn't hurt me that much..". He said getting up.

"That's because I wanted to go easy on ya, to make sure if you have what it takes to be a great ninja". He said.

Donnie rolled his eyes. "Good job my sons. Training is over now, all of you are dismissed". Said Splinter going to his room.

"Finally, it's over!". Said Mikey running past Donnie and Ralph between them. "Mikey wait!". Yelled Leo trying to catch up to him, but it was too late.

"Damn it!". He muttered. "Woah there Leo. What's gotten into you?". Asked Ralph, confused.

"Yeah Leo, is something the matter?". Asked Donnie worried.

"It's just...I wanted to apologize to him for over doing it while we were fighting. I didn't want to see him badly hurt". He said looking down.

"Relax Leo. I don't think you actually meant to hurt him that badly. Besides, Mikey needs to toughen up more and become more confident in himself to actually win towards you. He needs to believe in himself for that, and I think you might have did the right thing in over doing it to him. He needs to fight back either way". He said.

"Actually Leo, I'm kinda with Ralph on this one. Mikey does need to make himself be more aware and be strong enough to defend himself in order to fight bigger or tougher opponents we face in the near future". Said Donnie.

Leo sighed. "I don't know you guys...". He said. "You can't just smother him all the time whenever he needs to challenge you. He's 14 for gods sake! He's basically a teen already. Not 5 or 10 anymore. It's time for you to change your ways in front of him". Said Ralph.

"........maybe your right. Let me just, think about a little more". He said before walking off.

"Do you think he will alright with your idea?". Asked Donnie. Ralph scoffs. "Tch, he has to. Otherwise Mikey won't be able to act his own age!". He said before walking off leaving Donnie alone in the dojo.

He sighs. "I hope your right...".

To be Continued.....

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