Chapter 4

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"Here's how things work around here, tiger," I told Ris while bypassing him to get a hold of the tree trunk. My movement got all his attention. "I watch from above, you from down here. I see trouble, I shoot an arrow at the ground next to you. Where it lands will tell you the direction of and distance to the threat. An arrow right next to your left foot means the threat is very close to your left. Got it?"

He flapped his massive wings once.

Satisfied, I decided not to specify that in the dark my aim wasn't as perfect as in broad daylight. I could still hit a target provided it was bigger than a rabbit. Not that I would ever shoot at a rabbit or another animal. However, if I had to warn Ris of a very close threat, I might end up shooting him in one of his somewhat attractive feet.

Well, it wasn't like he wouldn't heal from such a wound in a minute or two. So no need to worry him with details about his partner's night vision. Besides, I highly doubted we would face any danger tonight.

We hardly had trespassers of any kind after nightfall these days. Humans had learned coming here meant death. And the shadow kinds we were at war with were still too busy fighting each other for control over humans as a resource. True, my friends and I had fought a pack of moon-cursed just yesterday, but it had been during the day. Our enemies hadn't expected elves on the surface under the burning and blinding daylight. No one would be crazy enough to venture into this forest tonight, especially with all those gargoyles in the sky.

"I see enemies, I fly up to get you, Dei-dre. We fight together."

"I try to kill my enemies from afar, not engage them in close combat," I reminded him the ways of elves. "Just growl when you spot something out of the ordinary, and I'll find it when you head towards the danger. You use that sword of yours, I cover you from above, switching trees if I have to."

Before he could reply, I started climbing the tree as quickly as possible. Enough strategy exchanges - my strategies were always the best, anyway.

"Hey, don't look under my skirt," I warned Ris while climbing higher and higher within seconds. I couldn't look down to check if he was being a gentleman or was looking where he shouldn't.

He grunted once.

Hopefully, it was my strategy he was expressing approval of, not my intimate bits.

I reached the highest branch that could offer me a somewhat clear view towards the kingdom's eastern border. I sat comfortably there with an arrow ready and my bow in my lap, and exhaled deeply.

No reason not to enjoy the warm night by listening to all the natural sounds of the forest - music to my pointed ears. Though meant as a punishment, this wasn't so different from any other night of patrolling in my warrior career. All I had to do, as usual, was stay quiet and watch the forest.

I could totally do this.


I couldn't do this. I couldn't take it anymore.

For three whole minutes I'd had my booty on the branch and my upper back on the tree trunk. Staring into the dark. Listening to the all-too-familiar sounds of night life in the forest.


Who was I kidding? This wasn't a night of patrolling like every other. I had a gargoyle partner right under my dangling feet, and if this wasn't extraordinary, I didn't know what was. This was my chance to learn what no history book could tell me. No way was I going to waste it.

"Hey, tiger? You hearing me?" I whispered.

My exceptional hearing detected a whoosh.

I smiled: my partner had just flapped his wings. Satisfied that his hearing was as good as an elf's, I kept going. "Can I ask you something?" I didn't wait for an answer before I continued. "Why volunteer to be here? Why not stay home for a normal night instead of bore your tail off here?"

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