Episode Five!

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A boy no older than 19, sat in Kaissa's office, intimidated by its flash in dark, monotone colors and range in size. His eyes were hidden by thick chunks of glass, making his perfect blue eyes bigger. Running his hand through his hair, he detangles the roughly done blonde curls propped on the top of his head.

As the boy could barely look at Kaissa, Kaissa stared at him with an intimidating, stern expression. She rested her face behind her hands; her fingers intertwined together. Not letting it show, Kaissa was just as nervous as the fidgety boy. This was her first intern that was genuinely interested in working with her. On the off chance they did receive an intern, it didn't take long before Kaissa realized they were only spying on their work, threading information about new releases, upcoming design ideas, etc. to their superiors. This case was different: Kaissa's instincts wouldn't lie about something detrimental to her company.

Standing from her chair, Kaissa extends her arm. The bangles of the round, gold, bracelets rattled at her every move.

"Danniel, was it?" Kaissa spoke firmly, a soft and gentle smile on her face, making an attempt at calming the clearly rattled boy.

"U-Um yes Ma'am!" he shouted as he shot up from his chair, clasping Kaissa's hand between his, shaking vigorously.

"Well, aren't you energetic?" she chuckled, pleasantly surprised at his behavior,

"So, Danniel, this internship, which department are you interested in?" Kaissa continued, taking this matter as seriously as possible.

"Oh, right! Well, I was hoping to work in the advertising department. See, I'd love to understand how such a big company uses advertising to establish a name in such a densely populated community," Danniel stated; there was a gleam in his eye. It was as if he was talking about the most beautiful thing on earth.

"Advertisement, huh?" Kaissa said, forcing a smile,

'Cyrus's department, what the coincidence.' she thought, grinding her teeth together.

"Yes, Ma'am, I think advertisement is important for building a strong foundation for success!" The boy exclaimed, the gleam in his eyes, somehow, growing, twinkling brighter.

It shook Kaissa how much Danniel reminded her of Cyrus. Well, without the same gleeful behavior, of course. He'd say the exact same thing, going on and on about how her "shitty flyers" wouldn't help with 'building a strong foundation' in her company's reach. It made her eyes soften as she looked at Danniel.

"Have you spoken to, Cyrus before, young one?" Kaissa said a growing suspicion that she has a fanboy in her mits.

"Cyrus Price!? He works here!?" Danniel shouted, his eyes growing wide,

"Yes, he doe-" Kaissa wasn't even allowed to finish before the boy went on.

"Oh my! He was the one who taught me everything I needed to know, he was actually the one that told me to say that line if I wanted to get into advertising, hah," Danniel explained. His face turned a bright red, surprised that Kaissa found out so quickly.

'I knew it.' she thought, a slight smirk spreading along her face. But that smirk wiped itself off as fast as it appeared; remembering Cyrus's words caused a bad taste in her mouth.

"So, being such the big fan you are, how is it you didn't know of his employment here? He is credited in all forums of advertisement," she questioned, already knowing the answer.

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