Episode One!

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"Good Morning, everyone!" Kaissa calls out from her office's balcony, coffee in hand. Her hair snipped just before her shoulders, deep black pants and a blazer perfectly tailored to the curves of her body, the shirt she wore, a pastel blue.

"Morning, Kai!" the room shouts back, bustling with hard work.

Everyone replied happily. All but one, of course. Cyrus. Cyrus wasn't the most social in the office, not the nicest either. He shunned Kaissa every time she said good morning to the office, keeping his hazel eyes glued to his computer screen. It was like a morning routine for them both. Kaissa would call out 'Good morning' to everyone, and Cyrus would ignore her, then, in turn, caused their morning banter as Kaissa placed a coffee on his desk.

Hearing the snap of her sharply pointed heels, Cyrus continues to ignore Kaissa as she walks towards him, a slight pep in her step.
"Cye, my cute one, I didn't hear a 'good morning, Issa,'" The woman teased, her clipboard tucked under his chin, lifting his face from his computer, forcing his eyes to meet hers.

"I do not need to say such nonsense," Cyrus mocked, his eyes automatically gazing up at her, his cheeks swirling a soft pink at the sight of her staring down at him.

Cyrus was known to be Kaissa's favourite workman. They were stuck together like glue; lunch together every day, coming to work together, getting each other coffee in the mornings, etc. They were closer than the average worker, sharing a deeper connection than most. Although this wasn't a bother to anyone in the office. Being that Kaissa shares a very personal relationship with everyone as an individual, she'd made it a priority to show she does not apply anyone with an advantage in the workplace they do not deserve. That, however, didn't stop the loud 'coo's heard through the office halls at their every interaction. 'Kairus' shippers scattered themselves in the office like international spies.

"Oh right! Cye, this is for you. I grabbed one too, but they put too much sugar in it, so I binned it already. But I did taste yours, and it should be to your liking." Kaissa said, placing a half-full coffee cup marked with a light lipstick stain on the counter of Cyrus's desk, rushing to her office to meet Lillian for her morning meeting.

"I always tell that woman to stop buying me coffee." He mumbled, wiping her lipstick from the lid and taking a sip. He scoffed as he pulled the cup away from his lips, 'How the hell does she know what I like better than me?' he questioned, quickly going back for another long sip.

Sat at her desk, Kaissa's glasses pressed against the bridge of her nose, a bright red mark dwindling beneath the harsh plastic, and the tip of her pen pressed harshly against the pages beneath her palm. Paperwork had been piling up after the release of her new dress line for summer, 'Moanahi'; the combination between water and fire, the exterior having a wet-looking texture while reflecting light just as a burning fire. It may have been a success, but her stock is running low and material providers aren't keeping up with demand.

This however, was not the only problem. As the yearly anniversary for 'Kissa' is rapidly approaching, her anniversary-exclusive set needs to be finished production and ready for international shipping. The amount of work on her desk was nothing compared to the truckloads to come after the anniversary line's dropped.

'*beep* Ma'am, Cyrus is here t-' the small black phone sounded, making Kaissa jump slightly. Though that was short-lived as Cyrus, in all his glory, strides into her office, not a care in the world.

"Issa, it's time for lunch. Let's go." Cyrus said, glancing around Kaissa's office inattentivly, barely acknowledging her presence.

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