Chapter 12

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Suns Pov:
I woke up after Vanny had placed that chip on me, I couldn't see anything it was pitch black. I started to move through the darkness a bit to check my surroundings, but no matter how much I walked I couldn't find the end. "This can't be... not here please" I started to run trying to find a way out. I soon brooked down crying hugging my knees tightly, wanting to get out and be back home. Where moon was at waiting for me, where there was some sort of light and comfort. Soon I felt someone behind me, "Hello there~" I got up looking at the strange figure it looked like Vanny except in yellow. "Where am I... can I go, I want to go home please!" I said trying to hold onto him but I fell straight trough him. "W-what..." he got in front of me leaning down "Sorry no can do, your ours now~" "what do you mean I can't leave let me go now!" I said trying to hold him. "You made your choice, and you chose this." I got confused what choice, "What do you mean I didn't pick anything!" "You picked yourself over the kids and moon, it was them getting killed or you being here either way there still going to die by your hands this time" he said smiling. "What don't hurt them! Please don't touch none of them they did nothing there just kids!" I yelled at him, crying since all of the missing children are now dead. "Oh, we won't do anything whatever happens on them it's going to be in your hands~ just like how moon did but now it's your turn now~" he said smiling. "Don't! Leave everyone alone! You sick-" I felt the sharpest pain go through my body, I yelled out crying in pain. "We have a bit of rules here, you follow them and you won't get shocked. If you break any of these rules you will be punished." I curled up into a ball hugging my stomach hopping it would stop the pain a bit. "First, you will respond to me correctly no rude or responding back. Just a simple head nod or an okay will be fine. Next if you try to fight against the virus you will be punished, if there is some sort of offer you would like to give. Maybe you giving us the kids on your own free will we will let you leave and you won't get hurt, simple as that" I looked up at him angrily "Go to hell...." The shock came back and stronger than last time, "So be it. Let me tell you this, if you stay here and grow weaker you will get consumed by the virus losing yourself. So you better follow are commands or you will die." he said looking down at me. The pain stopped for a bit, I looked up at him and he slowly glitched out leaving me alone in the darkness once more. "Please... someone help me..." I said as I closed my eyes exhausted from all of the pain.

~time skip~
Once I woke up I noticed a bit of light coming from the other side, I got up slowly and started running towards it hoping it was some sort of exit. When I got near it, I saw parts and service room. I tried to move forward, but there was some sort of invisible barrier stopping me from moving forward. "Help! Someone help me please!" I started to bang but nothing happened. After a big I saw Vanny she was talking to somebody, she had some sort of control in her hand. She pressed the button and I felt my body move by itself, I wasn't in control anymore.

No one's Pov:
"Okay let's see if this works now.." Vanny said as she pushed the button, making Suns body move. "Good, it's working. State your purpose" "I'm here to capture the kids and kill them." Suns body said automatically, as he stood up from the seat. "Okay good, no problems detected, you can go explore the plex for now, don't get spotted by anyone. When the daycare opens come to parts and service, we will meet here and wait for nap time to start." Vanny said as Sun nodded his head as a response. Soon they both left parts and service and went there own ways.

(Hello everyone sorry for the short chapter, I'll try to write some more in the next one that should come out tomorrow afternoon. Also don't be shy to comment, when I saw one of you guys comment it made my day. Have a good day/night)

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