Chapter 30: my secret

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Hyuna POV
I just smile at the flower bed and close my eyes it look like I went inside my dreams
In My Dream
I was wearing white dress and my wing show off I look around it was white
And no door and where am I look at the mirror I saw a woman and a man and little girl it me
I was crying and my brother comfort me I heard my brother said
"Umma appa! Don't let her gone!" Oppa yelled
"She is to weak and she will be gone..." Umma said
"Don't I don't see Hyuna gone from this planet!!!" Oppa yelled
"What power do you have to heal her! Hyunwo what power!!" Appa yelled
"Just let me gone...." The little me cried and my parents look at me in shocked face

"We no choice we have to defeat King demon!" Appa said and went out of the room
"Hyuna...let umma tell you a secret" umma said and the little me nodded
"Do you know why you will be gone" umma said and the little me nodded
"Because....Hyunwo will be gone when you are 18 years old because he drink a poison water the poison water is for you but it end up to drink by Hyunwo oppa....and this is your secret you will be
Gone because of King demon and you will become human in earth so be careful you will be gone
In the moon locket Hyunwo will give you has a strong medicine but if you failed in the war of angel and demon you will turn to human..." Umma said and my eyes widened

End of my dreams

I open my eyes Baron and Muta look at me with sad face and EXO face was really sad what is happening to me later my wing it came out I'm wearing the white dress just like in my dream
Sorry if this chapter is short it nearly the end of the
Story guys so enjoy next chapter

Pretty angel and EXO (exo Hyuna fanfic)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें