Chapter 8: demon girls are here

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Night time in seoul
Hyuna POV
I went to the bathroom and bath after done bathing i dry my hair and wear a white cute kitten pajamas and wear a fluffy slippers I went downstairs Luhan oppa was sitting down on couch alone I went next to sit down next to him "Oppa,what are you doing here?" I said "nothing just playing games in my phone" he said
And i lay down on his lap he was shocked "H-Hyuna..." He said shyly "ne?" I said
"What are you doing..." He said his face was red as tomato "oppa can i sleep on your lap.." I said and close my eye "s-sure..." He said
Luhan POV
Oh my gosh! I'm so lucky this angel sleeping at my lap my face is really red right now!
Calm down Luhan calm down i better carry her to her bedroom I carry her in bridal style and put her in her bed she was so cute when she asleep in the kitten pajamas " cute" I said
Meanwhile in the demons place
"Girls come out now!" King demon command
"Yes,appa!" They all said "You are going to the earth i want you to kill Hyuna the last person in the royal angel kingdom and destroy EXO planet!" King demon yelled and laugh
"Yes when will we get going?" Seohyun said "tomorrow now go pack your things" King demon said
"Unnie, do you really put the poison in Hyunwo drink?" Yuri said
"Yes why!" Yoona yelled at Yuri "nothing..." Yuri said
"Girls we cannot lose to that angel!" Taeyeon yelled "but unnie! We have to pack our things first" Sunny said
Back to the house
"Guys!" Baron said in panic tone "what wrong!" Kai said "the..." Baron said while catching his breath
"The what?" Chen said "the demon girls are coming!!!!" Baron yelled
"Bwo!!!" We all yelled "when will they come!!" Chanyeol said "tomorrow!!" Baron yelled
"Ahhhh!!!!" Tao yelled "what should we do!!!!" Chen yelled "we have to start practice your power now!" Baron yelled and go to the training room "what is this place!" D.O yelled "calm down you all!" Muta yelled
"Okay we will calm down!" Baron said and they all calm down "this is your power training room" Muta said
"Now let's start training!" Muta yelled and we start "wow my hand came out a flame!" Chanyeol said
"Great now the others" Baron said Suho make a water ball they all busy training they power
"Remember another things you also can turn into wolf" Muta said "we can turn to a wolf?" Xiumin said
"Yup now start training" Baron said "By the way where is Hyuna?" Kai said "she sleeping" Luhan said
"Oh... Kris you flying?" Kai said "of course my power is flight" Kris said
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Pretty angel and EXO (exo Hyuna fanfic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz