Chapter 18: happy virus Chanyeol

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Chanyeol POV
I haven't play with Hyuna and it bored "Chanyeol!" Baron yelled "what?" I said "it your turn t-" I cut him off
"Take care of Hyuna!" I said in happiness "yup now g-" I cut him off again and went upstair
"Geez...why wont he calm down..." Baron said and walk inside his room I knock on the door but no respond
I went inside and see she still sleeping I held her soft hand and wait for her to wake up
I feel someone stroke my hair and went I look up she smiling at me "you awake shy girl.." I said
"Channie oppa..." She whisper "yes.." I said "what should we do.." She said what should I do
"Tomorrow the demon girls will make a plan to kill Hyuna and we have to protect her!" Baron said
"How..." Kai said in serious tone
"Don't go outside Chanyeol you will take care of Hyuna tomorrow" he said
"Okay!!" I said in happy tone
"Promise me don't go outside or else I will asked Muta to broke your bone..." Baron said in serious tone
"I promise don't worry I swear to you!" I said
End of flashback

Still Chanyeol POV
I promise and swear to Baron not to bring her outside "Hyuna.. How about we just stay at home today" I say
"Okay..." She said and look down "Don't be sad I will make you happy!" I said
"Okay I need to take a bath first..." She said and walk toward the bathroom "phew..." I said
If I forget about that Baron sure will be so mad at me after a minute she went out from the bathroom
"Oppa I'm bored.." She said "Hmm...what should we do then?" I asked my self
"Oppa..why do they call you happy virus?" She asked "Because I'm always happy and never be sad!" I said to her and she smile "I wish I was happy virus but I'm shy.." She said and blush I went near her and hug her tightly "o-oppa..." She said "don't be sad you making me sad to.." I said

"Sorry..sob*" she crying on my arms while hugging her "Don't cry..." I said " Okay..." She said
"Don't come close to her room!" Baron yelled from outside "hahaahaha! You thought I'm stupid!" It Tiffany voice yelling "Oppa... I'm scare.." She cried and hug my arms "What should we do.." I said and the door open and Tiffany walk toward us "don't come close her you demon!" I yelled at her but she just smirk
"You think I'm what.." She reply "do-" I was cut off by her she teleport and she was behind Hyuna while holding a knife near her neck "help.." She cried "If you come close I will kill her!!" She yelled
No..she will gone and earth will be control by demon.. My eyes it dangerous red and my fangs show up
My head is dizzy and my hand the symbol of phoenix is glowing up my turned into a wolf..
What is happening! "You have to safe Hyuna now Chanyeol!" Baron yelled and I nodded I run toward them
And grab Hyuna she was in really angry face and gone into thin air "Thank you Channie oppa..." She said
"You welcome" I said and turned back into a human "good job Chanyeol!" Baron said and pat my back
Sorry I didn't updated because busy of school thing
Hope you guys enjoy this chapter! :)

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